No specific racial or ethnic group specified
"Ethnicity"/ or Minority Groups/ or "Race Factors"/ or "Racial Groups"/ or ethnology.fs. or (((children or communit* or faculty or men or patien* or people or person or persons or women) adj2 colo?r) or ethnic or ethnical or ethnically or ethnicized or ethnicities or ethnicism or ethnicities or ethnicity or ethnics or ethnic or minorities or minority or race or races or racial or racially).ti,ab,kf,kw.
Narrow search focus:
("Black or African American"/ or ((African adj1 (American or Americans or ancestry)) or (Black adj1 (American or Americans)) or Blacks).ti,ab,kf,kw.) not ((exp africa/ or exp asia/ or exp australia/ or exp canada/ or exp central america/ or exp europe/ or exp greenland/ or exp mexico/ or exp south america/) not (north america/ or exp united states/))
Expanded search focus:
("Black or African American"/ or Minority Groups/ or "Race Factors"/ or "Racial Groups"/ or ((African adj1 (American or Americans or ancestry)) or (Black adj1 (American or Americans)) or Blacks or "children of colo?r" or "communities of colo?r" or "community of colo?r" or "faculty of colo?r" or "men of colo?r" or "patient* of colo?r" or "people of colo?r" or "person of colo?r" or "persons of colo?r" or "women of colo?r" or minorities or minority or race or races or racial or racially).ti,ab,kf,kw.) not ((exp africa/ or exp asia/ or exp australia/ or exp canada/ or exp central america/ or exp europe/ or exp greenland/ or exp mexico/ or exp south america/) not (north america/ or exp united states/))
Examples of both search filters (Requires Pitt login)
What is meant by coded? "Urban" and "inner city" were often used as coded terms for Blacks or African American. Before the terms Blacks or African Americans were used, the polite terms were "colored" or "Negro". In South African research, you will still see the term "colored" or "coloured". Language is constantly evolving and, while it may be uncomfortable and even feel downright offensive, these terms may be necessary when conducting thorough searches that include the historical literature.
"Urban Health Services"/ or "Urban Health"/ or "Urban Population"/ or (colored or coloured or (inner adj1 (cities or city)) or Negro* OR urban).ti,ab,kf,kw.
Note: Context will determine if all or only some of the above terms are used
("Hispanic or Latino"/ or "Mexican Americans"/ or (((Cuban or Mexican) adj1 (American or Americans)) or Hispanic or Hispanics or Latina or Latinas or Latino or Latinos or Latinx or (Puerto adj1 (Rican or Ricans or Rico)) or (Spanish adj1 (origin or origins))).ti,ab,kf,kw.) not ((exp africa/ or exp asia/ or exp australia/ or exp canada/ or exp central america/ or exp europe/ or exp greenland/ or exp mexico/ or exp south america/) not (north america/ or exp united states/))
"Alaskan Natives"/ or (AIAN or ((Alaska or Alaskan) adj1 (Native or Natives)) or ((Apache or Cherokee or Choctaw or Hopi or Navajo or Pueblo or Sioux or Zuni) and (nation or reservation or tribe or tribal or tribes)) or Eskimo or ((indigenous or native) adj1 (American or Americans or Hawaiian or Hawaiians))).ti,ab,kf,kw. or (("American Indian or Alaska Native"/ or "Indians, North American"/ or "Indigenous Peoples"/ or ((First adj1 (Nation or Nations)) or indigenous).ti,ab,kf,kw.)) not ((exp africa/ or exp asia/ or exp australia/ or exp canada/ or exp central america/ or exp europe/ or exp greenland/ or exp mexico/ or exp south america/) not (north america/ or exp united states/))