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Ovid APA PsycInfo Search Filters

Search for any kind of cancer anywhere in the body

Cancer in PubMed

If it doesn't matter WHAT kind of cancer, this filter should find it. But-- you need to make certain your other concepts can narrow appropriately as this is a very broad search.

The search retrieves well 100K items.

exp neoplasms/ or (adenosarcoma* or blastoma* or cancer or cancers or carcinoma* or carcinosarcoma* or glioma* or leukemia* or liposarcoma or lymphangiom* or lymphoma* or melanoma* or metastatic or myeloma* or neoplasm* or osteosarcoma* or sarcoma* or tumor* or tumour*).ti,ab,id,mh.


US cancer survivorship studies in English, published 2020-2024

Core outcomes sets

What are core outcomes?

When conducting a trial, how do you know which outcomes are most appropriate for measurement? One way is to check for a core outcome set on your topic.

"A core outcome set (COS) is an agreed standardised set of outcomes that should be measured and reported, as a minimum, in all clinical trials in specific areas of health or health care." (COMET Initiative)

((core adj2 (outcome or outcomes)) or (outcome adj2 (set or sets))).ti,ab,id.


quality of life core outcomes (Requires Pitt login)

Core outcomes search in the title field only

This searches only the title field and will retrieve fewer results than the above search but they tend to be highly pertinent if you are interested in only those articles that discuss the use or development of core outcome sets. 

((core adj outcome) or (core adj outcomes) or (outcome adj set) or (outcome adj sets)).ti.

Genetic conditions, screening, and counseling

Genetics in general (Updated 6 June 2024)

Ultra-broad search for any kind of genetic-linked condition, genetic screening, or genetic counseling. (Pitt login required)

  1. albinism/ or behavioral genetics/ or charcot-marie-tooth disease/ or exp chromosome disorders/ or cornelia de lange syndrome/ or epigenetics/ or exp neurofibromatosis/ or exp sex linked hereditary disorders/ or genetic counseling/ or genetic disorders/ or gene expression/ or genetic processes/ or genetic testing/ or genetic transcription/ or genetic translation/ or genetics/ or huntingtons disease/ or melas/ or pharmacogenetics/ or phenylketonuria/ or porphyria/ or sickle cell disease/ or tay sachs disease/ or williams syndrome/
  2. (chromosome* or congenita or congenital or familial or epigenetic* genetic or genetics or hereditary or Heredodegenerative or inborn or inherited or intrafamilial or pharmacogenetic* or predisposition or ("x" adj1 linked)).ti,ab,id. or
  3. (((11q adj1 Deletion) or 22q11 or Aldrich or Alstrom or Androgen-Insensitivity Angelman or Autoimmune Lymphoproliferative or Bardet-Biedl or Barth or Basal Cell Nevus or Beckwith or Behcet or Bernard-Soulier or Bloom or Branchio-Oto or Brugada or charge or Cockayne or Costello or " Cri-du-Chat" or Cryopyrin or Dietz or Donohue or Down or (Ehlers adj1 Danlos) or Engelmann or Dube or Fanconi or Frasier or Fraumeni or Gitelman or (Gray adj1 Platelet) or (Hajdu adj1 Cheney) or Hamartoma or Hermanski-Pudlak or Higashi or Hirschhorn or (Hyaline adj1 Fibromatosis) or (Hyper adj1 IgM) or Jeghers or Job or Kallmann or Kartagener or Lange or Laron or (Lennox adj1 Gastaut) or (Leukocyte adj1 Adhesion) or Larsson or Liddle or Lunborg or Marfan or Magenis or Marchesani or neoplastic or Netherton or Nevus or Oculocerebrorenal or Orofaciodigital or Patella or Periodic or (Prader adj1 Willi) or Retraction or Russell or Sotos or Taybi or Thomson or Trichothiodystrophy or Trisomy or Usher or WAGR or Warburg or Werner or Williams or (yellow adj1 nail)) and syndrom*).ti,ab,id.
  4. (Aicardi or Alagille or Achondroplasia or Albinism or (Alexander adj1 Disease) or (Antitrypsin adj1 Deficiency) or (autosomal adj1 (dominant or recessive)) or Aniridia or (Ataxia adj1 Telangiectasia) or BrCa or CADASIL or Canavan or Caroli or Cherubism or Choroideremia or Ciliopathies or colorectal or (Cutis adj1 Laxa) or (Cystic or Fibrosis) or Darier or (dent adj1 disease) or (Dilated adj1 Cardiomyopath*) or (Emery adj1 Dreifuss) or (factor adj2 deficien*) or Huntington* or Hypoprothrombinemias or (Inborn adj2 (disorder* or Error*)) or (Diamond adj1 Blackfan) or Dwarfism or (Dystonia adj1 Musculorum) or Dystroph* or (Sickle adj1 Cell) or Thalassemia or Tourette*).ti,ab,id.
  5. 1 or 2 or 3 or 4

Note: There are some specific genetic conditions that have not been added. A complete list of MeSH terms can be found in the PubMed MeSH database. (No login required)

Genetic counseling, no disease specified (Updated 9 May 2024)

This does not look for specific genetic diseases but is designed to be very broad.

Search in Ovid APA PsycInfo using the genetic counseling filter (Pitt login required)

  1. epigenetics/ or Genetic Testing/ or genetics/ or pharmacogenetics/
  2. (genetic or genetics or hereditary or inborn or inherited or intrafamilial or predisposition).ti,ab,id.
  3. 1 or 2
  4. counseling/ or counselor attitudes/ or counselor role/ or counselors/
  5. counsel*.ti,ab,id.
  6. 4 or 5
  7. 3 and 6
  8. genetic counseling/
  9. 7 or 8
  10. 9 not ((arabic or chinese or dutch or "Farsi (Iranian)" or finnish or french or german or greek or hebrew or hungarian or italian or lithuanian or polish or portuguese or romanian or russian or slovene or slovak or spanish or turkish) not english).la.
  11. limit 10 to all journals
  12. 10 not 11     (to view the non-journal items)

The search below has all of the steps above. the difference is it is done in 1 long search statement plus one more statement to limit to journals.

See this search in Ovid APA PsycInfo

(((epigenetics/ or Genetic Testing/ or genetics/ or pharmacogenetics/ or (genetic or genetics or hereditary or inborn or inherited or intrafamilial or predisposition).ti,ab,id.) and (counseling/ or counselor attitudes/ or counselor role/ or counselors/ or counsel*.ti,ab,id.)) or genetic counseling/) not ((arabic or chinese or dutch or "Farsi (Iranian)" or finnish or french or german or greek or hebrew or hungarian or italian or lithuanian or polish or portuguese or romanian or russian or slovene or slovak or spanish or turkish) not english).la.

Limit to journal articles

APA PsycInfo includes books, book chapters, and dissertations. If you want ONLY journal articles, add this after running the genetic counseling filter (without the [brackets] around the line number).

limit [search-filter-line-number] to all journals  

Muscular dystrophy and genetic counseling (Updated 9 May 2024)

Ex: Link to the search below  (Pitt login required)

  • Line 1 is the genetic counseling search filter with a filter for English language publications.
  • Line 2 limits the search to just journal article.
  • Lines 3 & 4 are terms for muscular dystrophy, including Duchenne. An asterisk (*) is added to the search as some articles refer to it as Duchenne's.
  • Line 5 combines the terms for MD.
  • Line 6 combines genetic counseling articles in English with MD.
  1. (((epigenetics/ or Genetic Testing/ or genetics/ or pharmacogenetics/ or (genetic or genetics or hereditary or inborn or inherited or intrafamilial or predisposition).ti,ab,id.) and (counseling/ or counselor attitudes/ or counselor role/ or counselors/ or counsel*.ti,ab,id.)) or genetic counseling/) not ((arabic or chinese or dutch or "Farsi (Iranian)" or finnish or french or german or greek or hebrew or hungarian or italian or lithuanian or polish or portuguese or romanian or russian or slovene or slovak or spanish or turkish) not english).la.
  2. limit 1 to all journals
  3. muscular dystrophy/
  4. (Duchenne* or "muscular dystrophies" or "muscular dystrophy").ti,ab,id.
  5. 3 or 4
  6. 2 and 5

Intimate partner violence

Domestic/Partner Violence (4 September 2024)

(intimate partner violence/ or spouse abuse/ or (((abuse or abusive or aggression or aggressive or fighting or violence or violent) adj3 (boyfriend or boyfriends or couple or couples or dating or domestic or girlfriend or girlfriends or intimate or partner or partners or relationship or relationships or romance or romantic or spouse or spousal)) or (IPV not (high adj1 intrapatient adj1 variability))).ti,ab,kf,kw.)

Cultural competency

Cultural competency found in the title or MeSH fields ONLY (5 September 2024)

This is a narrower search in that it relies heavily on terms appearing in the title or MeSH fields. One benefit is that a higher percentage of the results will be relevant and eliminates those records in which creating culturally sensitive programs/materials/training is recommended. However, there is the potential for items to be missed as well since the abstract & keyword fields aren't being searched and authors do not always list major study concepts in their titles.

("Cultural Competency"/ or "Culturally Competent Care"/ or (((cultural or culturally) adj3 (appropriate or appropriateness or competency or competent or inappropriate or incompetent or incompetency or insensitive or insensitivity or responsive or responsiveness or safe or sensitive or sensitivity)) or (culture adj2 appropriate)).ti.)

Cultural competency found in the title, abstract, keyword, and/or MeSH fields (5 September 2024)

This search is more likely to find records in which cultural competency is recommended but not utilized in the study, but it will also find those records in which it was incorporated in some way in the research project but not indicated in the title using the filter search terms or MeSH terms.

("Cultural Competency"/ or "Culturally Competent Care"/ or (((cultural or culturally) adj3 (appropriate or appropriateness or competency or competent or inappropriate or incompetent or incompetency or insensitive or insensitivity or responsive or responsiveness or safe or sensitive or sensitivity)) or (culture adj2 appropriate)).ti,ab,id.)


Homelessness (20 December 2024; Pitt login required)

(Homeless Youth/ or Homeless/ or (Homeless or homelessness or ((dweller* or living or people) adj3 (street or streets)) or houseless* or (ill adj1 housed) or (rough adj1 (sleeper or sleepers)) or shelter or shelterless or shelters or undomiciled or unhoused).ti,ab,id.)