The NOT-NOT logic seems as though it shouldn't work but it is as perfect as a weird logic can be. We avoid putting AND united states[MESH] in the search as not all records include the US MeSH terms. Likewise, we avoid NOT'ing out other countries as there may be comparative studies that include the US. NOT-NOT excludes any study that has the MeSH terms we DON'T want (whether it is country/continent based, age based, or human/animal based) but it keeps records that have the terms from the 2nd NOT phrase. It also keeps records with NO MeSH terms.
Nope. Sorry, but extreme caution is being used to develop the limiters. MeSH terms guide the process and MeSH isn't, well, perfect. But these will remove a significant number of non-relevant records.
Note: This will not eliminate 100% of non-US studies, but it will greatly reduce the number. Due to PubMed indexing, there is no surefire way to eliminate ALL non-US studies without eliminating US studies as well.
Add to your search string at the end of the search:
NOT ((africa[MESH] OR asia[MESH] OR australia[MESH] OR canada[MESH] OR central america[mesh] OR europe[MESH] OR greenland[mesh:noexp] OR mexico[mesh:noexp] OR south america[MESH]) NOT (north america[MESH:NOEXP] OR united states[MESH]))
WARNING! Do not use for systematic/scoping reviews. This filter is good for reducing many non-US studies that will remain after using the above filter but you may also lose studies in which the author's institutional affiliation does not indicate a state or country designation.
This is a 2-step process if you want studies: 1. conducted in the US and 2. conducted by US researchers .
your-search-string NOT ((africa[MESH] OR asia[MESH] OR australia[MESH] OR canada[MESH] OR central america[mesh] OR europe[MESH] OR south america[MESH]) NOT (north america[MESH:NOEXP] OR united states[MESH]))
your-search-string AND (AK[AD] OR AL[AD] OR AR[AD] OR (AS[AD] AND (community college[ad] OR pago[ad] OR samoa[ad])) OR AZ[AD] OR CA[AD] OR CO[AD] OR CT[AD] OR DC[AD] OR DE[AD] OR FL[AD] OR GA[AD] OR GU[AD] OR HI[AD] OR IA[AD] OR ID[AD] OR IL[AD] OR IN[AD] OR KS[AD] OR KY[AD] OR LA[AD] OR MA[AD] OR MD[AD] OR ME[AD] OR MI[AD] OR MN[AD] OR MO[AD] OR MP[AD] OR MS[AD] OR MT[AD] OR NC[AD] OR ND[AD] OR NE[AD] OR NH[AD] OR NJ[AD] OR NM[AD] OR NV[AD] OR NY[AD] OR OH[AD] OR OK[AD] OR PA[AD] OR PR[AD] OR RI[AD] OR SC[AD] OR SD[AD] OR TN[AD] OR TT[AD] OR TX[AD] OR UT[AD] OR VA[AD] OR VI[AD] OR VT[AD] OR WA[AD] OR WI[AD] OR WV[AD] OR WY[AD] OR Alaska[AD] OR Arizona[AD] OR Arkansas[AD] OR American Samoa[AD] OR American 96799 Samoa[AD] OR California[AD] OR Colorado[AD] OR Connecticut[AD] OR Delaware[AD] OR "District of Columbia"[AD] OR Florida[AD] OR Georgia[AD] OR Guam[AD] OR Hawaii[AD] OR Idaho[AD] OR Illinois[AD] OR Indiana[AD] OR Iowa[AD] OR Kansas[AD] OR Kentucky[AD] OR Louisiana[AD] OR Maine[AD] OR Maryland[AD] OR Massachusetts[AD] OR Michigan[AD] OR Minnesota[AD] OR Mississippi[AD] OR Missouri[AD] OR Montana[AD] OR Nebraska[AD] OR Nevada[AD] OR "New Hampshire"[AD] OR "New Jersey"[AD] OR "New Mexico"[AD] OR "New York"[AD] OR "North Carolina"[AD] OR "North Dakota"[AD] OR "Northern Mariana Islands"[AD] OR Ohio[AD] OR Oklahoma[AD] OR Oregon[AD] OR Pennsylvania[AD] OR "Puerto Rico"[AD] OR "Rhode Island"[AD] OR "South Carolina"[AD] OR "South Dakota"[AD] OR Tennessee[AD] OR Texas[AD] OR Utah[AD] OR Vermont[AD] OR Virginia[AD] OR "Virgin Islands"[AD] OR Washington[AD] OR "West Virginia"[AD] OR Wisconsin[AD] OR Wyoming[AD] OR "United States"[AD])
Line # | Search statement | Comments on search statement |
#1 | Harm Reduction[mesh] OR "harm reduction"[TIAB:~2] OR "harm reductions"[TIAB:~2] OR "harms reduction"[TIAB:~2] OR "harms reductions"[TIAB:~2] OR "harm minimization"[TIAB:~2] OR "harms minimization"[TIAB:~2] OR "harm prevention"[TIAB:~2] OR "harms prevention"[TIAB:~2] | Search for harm reduction |
#2 | (Harm Reduction[mesh] OR "harm reduction"[TIAB:~2] OR "harm reductions"[TIAB:~2] OR "harms reduction"[TIAB:~2] OR "harms reductions"[TIAB:~2] OR "harm minimization"[TIAB:~2] OR "harms minimization"[TIAB:~2] OR "harm prevention"[TIAB:~2] OR "harms prevention"[TIAB:~2]) NOT ((africa[MESH] OR asia[MESH] OR australia[MESH] OR canada[MESH] OR central america[mesh] OR europe[MESH] OR south america[MESH]) NOT (north america[MESH:NOEXP] OR united states[MESH])) | Search for Harm reduction + US filter |
#3 | (Harm Reduction[mesh] OR "harm reduction"[TIAB:~2] OR "harm reductions"[TIAB:~2] OR "harms reduction"[TIAB:~2] OR "harms reductions"[TIAB:~2] OR "harm minimization"[TIAB:~2] OR "harms minimization"[TIAB:~2] OR "harm prevention"[TIAB:~2] OR "harms prevention"[TIAB:~2]) NOT ((africa[MESH] OR asia[MESH] OR australia[MESH] OR canada[MESH] OR central america[mesh] OR europe[MESH] OR south america[MESH]) NOT (north america[MESH:NOEXP] OR united states[MESH])) AND (AK[AD] OR AL[AD] OR AR[AD] OR AS[AD] OR AZ[AD] OR CA[AD] OR CO[AD] OR CT[AD] OR DC[AD] OR DE[AD] OR FL[AD] OR GA[AD] OR GU[AD] OR HI[AD] OR IA[AD] OR ID[AD] OR IL[AD] OR IN[AD] OR KS[AD] OR KY[AD] OR LA[AD] OR MA[AD] OR MD[AD] OR ME[AD] OR MI[AD] OR MN[AD] OR MO[AD] OR MP[AD] OR MS[AD] OR MT[AD] OR NC[AD] OR ND[AD] OR NE[AD] OR NH[AD] OR NJ[AD] OR NM[AD] OR NV[AD] OR NY[AD] OR OH[AD] OR OK[AD] OR PA[AD] OR PR[AD] OR RI[AD] OR SC[AD] OR SD[AD] OR TN[AD] OR TT[AD] OR TX[AD] OR UT[AD] OR VA[AD] OR VI[AD] OR VT[AD] OR WA[AD] OR WI[AD] OR WV[AD] OR WY[AD] OR Alaska[AD] OR Arizona[AD] OR Arkansas[AD] OR "American Samoa"[AD] OR California[AD] OR Colorado[AD] OR Connecticut[AD] OR Delaware[AD] OR "District of Columbia"[AD] OR Florida[AD] OR Georgia[AD] OR Guam[AD] OR Hawaii[AD] OR Idaho[AD] OR Illinois[AD] OR Indiana[AD] OR Iowa[AD] OR Kansas[AD] OR Kentucky[AD] OR Louisiana[AD] OR Maine[AD] OR Maryland[AD] OR Massachusetts[AD] OR Michigan[AD] OR Minnesota[AD] OR Mississippi[AD] OR Missouri[AD] OR Montana[AD] OR Nebraska[AD] OR Nevada[AD] OR "New Hampshire"[AD] OR "New Jersey"[AD] OR "New Mexico"[AD] OR "New York"[AD] OR "North Carolina"[AD] OR "North Dakota"[AD] OR "Northern Mariana Islands"[AD] OR Ohio[AD] OR Oklahoma[AD] OR Oregon[AD] OR Pennsylvania[AD] OR "Puerto Rico"[AD] OR "Rhode Island"[AD] OR "South Carolina"[AD] OR "South Dakota"[AD] OR Tennessee[AD] OR Texas[AD] OR Utah[AD] OR Vermont[AD] OR Virginia[AD] OR "Virgin Islands"[AD] OR Washington[AD] OR "West Virginia"[AD] OR Wisconsin[AD] OR Wyoming[AD] OR "United States"[AD]) |
Due to the size of the search string, a link to the PubMed search cannot be created. Combine (Harms + US filter) + the US institutional filter Limits studies conducted outside the US by US-affiliated researchers, i.e. filters to include US studies as much as possible. |
$4 | (Harm Reduction[mesh] OR "harm reduction"[TIAB:~2] OR "harm reductions"[TIAB:~2] OR "harms reduction"[TIAB:~2] OR "harms reductions"[TIAB:~2] OR "harm minimization"[TIAB:~2] OR "harms minimization"[TIAB:~2] OR "harm prevention"[TIAB:~2] OR "harms prevention"[TIAB:~2]) AND (AK[AD] OR AL[AD] OR AR[AD] OR AS[AD] OR AZ[AD] OR CA[AD] OR CO[AD] OR CT[AD] OR DC[AD] OR DE[AD] OR FL[AD] OR GA[AD] OR GU[AD] OR HI[AD] OR IA[AD] OR ID[AD] OR IL[AD] OR IN[AD] OR KS[AD] OR KY[AD] OR LA[AD] OR MA[AD] OR MD[AD] OR ME[AD] OR MI[AD] OR MN[AD] OR MO[AD] OR MP[AD] OR MS[AD] OR MT[AD] OR NC[AD] OR ND[AD] OR NE[AD] OR NH[AD] OR NJ[AD] OR NM[AD] OR NV[AD] OR NY[AD] OR OH[AD] OR OK[AD] OR PA[AD] OR PR[AD] OR RI[AD] OR SC[AD] OR SD[AD] OR TN[AD] OR TT[AD] OR TX[AD] OR UT[AD] OR VA[AD] OR VI[AD] OR VT[AD] OR WA[AD] OR WI[AD] OR WV[AD] OR WY[AD] OR Alaska[AD] OR Arizona[AD] OR Arkansas[AD] OR "American Samoa"[AD] OR California[AD] OR Colorado[AD] OR Connecticut[AD] OR Delaware[AD] OR "District of Columbia"[AD] OR Florida[AD] OR Georgia[AD] OR Guam[AD] OR Hawaii[AD] OR Idaho[AD] OR Illinois[AD] OR Indiana[AD] OR Iowa[AD] OR Kansas[AD] OR Kentucky[AD] OR Louisiana[AD] OR Maine[AD] OR Maryland[AD] OR Massachusetts[AD] OR Michigan[AD] OR Minnesota[AD] OR Mississippi[AD] OR Missouri[AD] OR Montana[AD] OR Nebraska[AD] OR Nevada[AD] OR "New Hampshire"[AD] OR "New Jersey"[AD] OR "New Mexico"[AD] OR "New York"[AD] OR "North Carolina"[AD] OR "North Dakota"[AD] OR "Northern Mariana Islands"[AD] OR Ohio[AD] OR Oklahoma[AD] OR Oregon[AD] OR Pennsylvania[AD] OR "Puerto Rico"[AD] OR "Rhode Island"[AD] OR "South Carolina"[AD] OR "South Dakota"[AD] OR Tennessee[AD] OR Texas[AD] OR Utah[AD] OR Vermont[AD] OR Virginia[AD] OR "Virgin Islands"[AD] OR Washington[AD] OR "West Virginia"[AD] OR Wisconsin[AD] OR Wyoming[AD] OR "United States"[AD]) |
Due to the size of the search string, a link to the PubMed search cannot be created. Combine "harm reduction" with US-institutional researchers. Studies can be conducted anywhere in the world. |
In each of the filters below, studies that do have one or more populations in the first set of parentheses will be removed UNLESS the studies also have the MeSH term(s) found in the the 2nd NOT statement.
NOT ((infant[mesh] OR child[mesh] OR adolescent[mesh]) NOT adult[mesh])
NOT ((infant[mesh] OR child[mesh]) NOT (adolescent[mesh] OR adult[mesh]))
NOT ((infant[mesh] OR child[mesh] OR adult[mesh]) NOT adolescent[mesh])
NOT ((infant[mesh] OR adult[mesh]) NOT (child[mesh] OR adolescent[mesh]))
NOT ((infant[mesh] OR adult[mesh]) NOT (child[mesh] OR adolescent[mesh]))
NOT ((child[mesh] OR adolescent[mesh] OR adult[mesh]) NOT infant[mesh])
(adolescen* OR teen OR youth) AND (cigarette* OR ecigarette* OR smoking OR vaping) AND English[la]
(adolescen* OR teen OR youth) AND (cigarette* OR ecigarette* OR smoking OR vaping) AND chinese[la]
(adolescen* OR teen OR youth) AND (cigarette* OR ecigarette* OR smoking OR vaping) AND spanish[la]
(adolescen* OR teen OR youth) AND (cigarette* OR ecigarette* OR smoking OR vaping) AND 2018:2024[dp] AND English[la]
((Neoplasms[MeSH] OR Adenosarcoma*[TIAB] OR blastoma*[TIAB] OR cancer[TIAB] OR cancers[TIAB] OR carcinoma*[TIAB] OR Carcinosarcoma*[TIAB] OR glioma*[TIAB] OR leukemia*[TIAB] OR Liposarcoma[TIAB] OR Lymphangiom*[TIAB] OR lymphoma*[TIAB] OR melanoma*[TIAB] OR metastatic[TIAB] OR myeloma*[TIAB] OR neoplasm*[TIAB] OR osteosarcoma*[TIAB] OR sarcoma*[TIAB] OR tumor*[TIAB] OR tumour*[TIAB])) AND ("Health Disparate, Minority and Vulnerable Populations"[MeSH:noexp] OR "Health Inequities"[MeSH:noexp] OR "Health Status Disparities"[MeSH:noexp] OR "Healthcare Disparities"[MeSH:noexp] OR "Socioeconomic Disparities in Health"[Mesh:NoExp] OR "Social justice"[MeSH:noexp] OR Disparities[TIAB] OR disparity[TIAB] OR inequalities[TIAB] OR inequality[TIAB] OR inequities[TIAB] OR inequity[TIAB] OR "social disadvantage"[TIAB:~2] OR "social disadvantaged"[TIAB:~2] OR "social justice"[TIAB:~1] OR "social vulnerability"[TIAB:~2] OR "socially disadvantaged"[TIAB:~2] OR "socially vulnerable"[TIAB:~2]) AND ("Cultural Competency"[MeSH:noexp] OR "Culturally Competent Care"[MeSH:noexp] OR "culturally appropriate"[TIAB:~2] OR "cultural competency"[TIAB:~2] OR "culturally competent"[TIAB:~2] OR "culturally competent"[TIAB:~2] OR "culturally incompetent"[TIAB:~2] OR "cultural incompetency"[TIAB:~2] OR "culturally safe"[TIAB:~2] OR "culturally sensitive"[TIAB:~2] OR "cultural sensitivity"[TIAB:~2] OR "culturally insensitive"[TIAB:~2] OR "cultural insensitivity"[TIAB:~2]) NOT ((africa[MESH] OR asia[MESH] OR australia[MESH] OR canada[MESH] OR central america[mesh] OR europe[MESH] OR south america[MESH]) NOT (north america[MESH:NOEXP] OR united states[MESH])) AND 2015:2030[dp]
This will not remove ALL non-human studies but it does remove a significant portion of them.
NOT ((Plants[MESH] OR Animals[MESH) NOT Humans[MESH])
This will not remove ALL human and plant studies but it does remove a significant portion of them.
NOT (( Humans[MESH] OR Plants[MESH] OR "drugs and lactation database lactmed"[Book] OR Endotext[Book] OR "genereviews"[Book] OR "livertox clinical and research information on drug induced liver injury"[Book] OR "medical genetics summaries"[Book] OR "PDQ Adult Treatment Editorial Board"[Corporate Author] OR "pdq cancer information summaries"[Book]) NOT (Animals[MESH:NOEXP] OR "Animal Population Groups"[MESH] OR Chordata[MESH:NOEXP] OR "Chordata, Nonvertebrate"[MESH] OR Vertebrates[MESH:NOEXP] OR Amphibians[MESH] OR Birds[MESH] OR Fishes[MESH] OR Mammals[MESH:NOEXP] OR Eutheria[MESH:NOEXP] OR Afrotheria[MESH] OR Artiodactyla[MESH] OR Carnivora[MESH] OR Cetacea[MESH] OR Chiroptera[MESH] OR Eulipotyphla[MESH] OR Lagomorpha[MESH] OR Pangolins[MESH] OR Perissodactyla[MESH] OR Primates[MESH:NOEXP] OR Haplorhini[MESH:NOEXP] OR Catarrhini[MESH:NOEXP] OR Cercopithecidae[MESH] OR Hominidae[MESH:NOEXP] OR "Gorilla gorilla"[MESH:NOEXP] OR Neanderthals[MESH:NOEXP] OR "Pan paniscus"[MESH:NOEXP] OR "Pan troglodytes"[MESH:NOEXP] OR Pongo[MESH] OR Hylobatidae[MESH] OR Strepsirhini[MESH] OR Rodentia[MESH] OR Scandentia[MESH] OR Xenarthra[MESH] OR Marsupialia[MESH] OR Monotremata[MESH] OR Reptiles[MESH] OR Invertebrates[MESH]))
Breast cancer + animal studies - (human studies or plant studies or books that don't cover animal studies)
(breast cancer[tiab] OR breast neoplasms[mesh]) NOT ((Humans[MESH] OR Plants[MESH] OR "drugs and lactation database lactmed"[Book] OR Endotext[Book] OR "genereviews"[Book] OR "livertox clinical and research information on drug induced liver injury"[Book] OR "medical genetics summaries"[Book] OR "PDQ Adult Treatment Editorial Board"[Corporate Author] OR "pdq cancer information summaries"[Book]) NOT (Animals[MESH:NOEXP] OR "Animal Population Groups"[MESH] OR Chordata[MESH:NOEXP] OR "Chordata, Nonvertebrate"[MESH] OR Vertebrates[MESH:NOEXP] OR Amphibians[MESH] OR Birds[MESH] OR Fishes[MESH] OR Mammals[MESH:NOEXP] OR Eutheria[MESH:NOEXP] OR Afrotheria[MESH] OR Artiodactyla[MESH] OR Carnivora[MESH] OR Cetacea[MESH] OR Chiroptera[MESH] OR Eulipotyphla[MESH] OR Lagomorpha[MESH] OR Pangolins[MESH] OR Perissodactyla[MESH] OR Primates[MESH:NOEXP] OR Haplorhini[MESH:NOEXP] OR Catarrhini[MESH:NOEXP] OR Cercopithecidae[MESH] OR Hominidae[MESH:NOEXP] OR "Gorilla gorilla"[MESH:NOEXP] OR Neanderthals[MESH:NOEXP] OR "Pan paniscus"[MESH:NOEXP] OR "Pan troglodytes"[MESH:NOEXP] OR Pongo[MESH] OR Hylobatidae[MESH] OR Strepsirhini[MESH] OR Rodentia[MESH] OR Scandentia[MESH] OR Xenarthra[MESH] OR Marsupialia[MESH] OR Monotremata[MESH] OR Reptiles[MESH] OR Invertebrates[MESH]))
This will not remove ALL human and animal but it does remove a significant portion of them.
NOT ((Animals[MESH] OR Humans[MESH] OR Endotext[Book] OR "drugs and lactation database lactmed"[Book] OR "genereviews"[Book] OR "livertox clinical and research information on drug induced liver injury"[Book] OR "medical genetics summaries"[Book] OR "PDQ Adult Treatment Editorial Board"[Corporate Author] OR "pdq cancer information summaries"[Book]) NOT Plants[MESH])