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Broad search for race/ethnicity

Race/ethnicity broad search

No specific racial or ethnic group specified

("Ethnicity"[MeSH] OR Minority Groups[MeSH] OR "Race Factors"[MeSH] OR "Racial Groups"[MeSH] OR ethnology[sh] OR "children of color"[TIAB] OR "children of colour"[TIAB] OR "communities of color"[TIAB] OR "communities of colour"[TIAB] OR "community of color"[TIAB] OR  "faculty of color"[TIAB] OR "faculty of color"[TIAB] OR "faculty of color"[TIAB] OR  "faculty of colour"[TIAB] OR "men of color"[TIAB] OR "men of colour"[TIAB] OR "patient of color"[TIAB] OR "patient of colour"[TIAB] OR "patients of color"[TIAB] OR "patients of colour"[TIAB] OR "people of color"[TIAB] OR "people of colour"[TIAB] OR "person of color"[TIAB] OR "person of colour"[TIAB] OR "persons of color"[TIAB] OR "persons of colour"[TIAB] OR "women of color"[TIAB] OR "women of colour"[TIAB] OR ethnic[TIAB] OR ethnical[TIAB] OR ethnically[TIAB] OR ethnicities[TIAB] OR ethnicism[TIAB] OR ethnicities[TIAB] OR ethnicity[TIAB] OR ethnics[TIAB] OR ethnicized[TIAB] OR ethnicsetting[TIAB] OR minorities[TIAB] OR minority[TIAB] OR race[TIAB] OR races[TIAB] OR racial[TIAB] OR racially[TIAB])

US Blacks/African Americans

American Blacks/African Americans (Updated 4 March 2024)

("Black or African American"[Mesh:NoExp] OR Minority Groups[Mesh:NoExp] OR Racial Groups[Mesh:NoExp] OR "African American"[TIAB:~1] OR "African Americans"[TIAB:~1] OR "African ancestry"[TIAB:~1] OR "Black American"[TIAB:~1] OR "Black Americans"[TIAB:~1] OR Blacks[TIAB] OR minorities[TIAB] OR minority[TIAB] OR "people color"[TIAB:~1] OR race[TIAB] OR racial[TIAB]) NOT ((africa[MESH] OR asia[MESH] OR australia[MESH] OR canada[MESH] OR central america[mesh] OR europe[MESH] OR Mexico[MESH] OR south america[MESH]) NOT (north america[MeSH:noexp] OR united states[MESH]))

"Minority", and "race" and "racial" will find studies that include other race and ethnic groups. 

Historical terms & "coded" terms (pre-1990's or so)

What is meant by coded? "Urban" and "inner city" were often used as coded terms for Blacks or African American. Before the terms Blacks or African Americans were used, the polite term was "colored" or "Negro". In South African research, you will still see the term "colored" or "coloured". Language is constantly evolving and, while it may be uncomfortable and even fell downright offensive, these terms may be necessary when conducting thorough searches that include the historical literature.

"Urban Health Services"[MeSH:noexp] OR "Urban Health"[MeSH:noexp] OR "Urban Population"[MeSH:noexp] OR colored[TIAB] OR "inner cities"[TIAB:~1] OR "inner city"[TIAB:~1] OR Negro*[TIAB] OR urban[TIAB]
Note: Context will determine if all or only some of the above terms are used

US Hispanic/Latino/Latina people

US Hispanic populations (Updated 25 March 2024)

("Hispanic OR Latino"[MeSH:noexp] OR "Mexican Americans"[MeSH:noexp] OR "Cuban American"[TIAB:~1] OR "Cuban Americans"[TIAB:~1] OR Hispanic[TIAB] OR Hispanics[TIAB] OR Latina[TIAB] OR Latinas[TIAB] OR Latino[TIAB] OR Latinos[TIAB] OR Latinx[TIAB] OR "Mexican American"[TIAB:~1] OR "Mexican Americans"[TIAB:~1] OR "Puerto Rican"[TIAB:~1] OR "Puerto Ricans"[TIAB:~1] OR "Spanish origin"[TIAB:~1] OR "Spanish origins"[TIAB:~1] OR "Spanish speaking"[TIAB:~1]) NOT ((africa[MESH] OR asia[MESH] OR australia[MESH] OR canada[MESH] OR central america[mesh] OR europe[MESH] OR Mexico[MESH] OR south america[MESH]) NOT (north america[MeSH:noexp] OR united states[MESH]))

US Native/indigenous people

US Native/indigenous people (6 October 2023)

("Alaskan Natives"[MeSH:noexp] OR AIAN[TIAB] OR "Alaska Native"[TIAB:~1] OR "Alaska Natives"[TIAB:~1] OR "Alaskan Native"[TIAB:~1] OR "Alaskan Natives"[TIAB:~1] OR ((Apache[TIAB] OR Cherokee[TIAB] OR Choctaw[TIAB] OR Hopi[TIAB] OR Navajo[TIAB] OR Pueblo[TIAB] OR Sioux[TIAB] OR Zuni[TIAB]) AND (nation[TIAB] OR reservation[TIAB] OR tribe[TIAB] OR tribal[TIAB])) OR Eskimo[TIAB] OR "indigenous american"[TIAB:~1] OR "Native American"[TIAB:~1] OR "Native Americans"[TIAB:~1] OR "Native Hawaiian"[TIAB:~1] OR "Native Hawaiians"[TIAB:~1] OR (("American Indian or Alaska Native"[MeSH:noexp] OR "Indians, North American"[MeSH:noexp] OR "Indigenous Peoples"[MeSH:noexp] OR "First Nation"[TIAB:~1] OR indigenous[TIAB]) NOT ((africa[MESH] OR asia[MESH] OR australia[MESH] OR canada[MESH] OR central america[mesh] OR europe[MESH] OR Mexico[MESH] OR south america[MESH]) NOT (north america[MeSH:noexp] OR united states[MESH]))))