PubMed is the premier biomedical research database in the world. It has well over 35 million records. It is also the core research database for public health.
PubMed is made up of content from the Medline database plus additional content, such as books and non-indexed items. When we say PubMed, we're really referring to both the interface (i.e. the search engine and how the screen looks) and the content.
Below are 2 ways to access the same content. PubMed is free but the link includes information to ensure you can get the full text of articles. Ovid Medline has the same content (but is updated a day later than PubMed) but the search is very different. It also requires you to login with your Pitt credentials.
The databases listed below are broad in their focus but with a strong collection of health sciences research information.
Be sure also to review other research databases and resources by department that be found in the left side menu.
Produced by: American Psychological Association
About: About APA PsycInfo, "The premier abstracting and indexing database covering the behavioral and social sciences from the authority in psychology"
Produced by: Clarivate Analytics