Very simply, a search filter (also known as a "search hedge") is a comprehensive canned search that you can add to your database search. [Note: The term "search filter" will be used throughout this guide.] Each database and search interface has a specific controlled vocabulary and syntax that can be used to harness the power of the database interface and content. (Yes, this is "librarian-speak" but it is important to the process!)
Most search filters have been developed by experienced librarians who understand controlled vocabulary and database syntax as well as general search strategy rules. Experienced librarians understand the way to develop good searches through years of practice and, yes, through trial, error, and testing!
A well-designed search filter will very deliberately return extremely (and possibly overly) comprehensive results.
High specificity: If there is any possibility an article is describing some kind of whatever it is that filter is trying to find, that citation should be returned in the search. Ideally, a search filter should approach 100% sensitivity. Many true negatives will be kicked out with a search filter but false positives will abound in the returned results, resulting in....
Low specificity: You will notice many false positives, i.e. items that are returned in the filter search that do not belong. Fortunately, many of those false positives will be eliminated when combined with the other concepts of your search.
(genetic carrier screening[MeSH terms:NoExp] OR Genetic Determinism[MeSH terms:NoExp] OR "Genetic Diseases, Inborn"[MeSH terms:NoExp] OR Genetics, Medical[MeSH terms:NoExp] OR "Genetic Predisposition to Disease"[MeSH terms:NoExp] OR genetic research[MeSH Terms:NoExp] OR genetic services[MeSH terms:NoExp] OR genetic techniques[MeSH terms:NoExp] OR genetic testing[MeSH terms:NoExp] OR genetic therapy[MeSH terms:NoExp] OR genetics[MeSH Terms:NoExp] OR human genetics[MeSH Terms:NoExp] OR noninvasive prenatal testing[MeSH terms:NoExp] OR pharmacogenomic testing[MeSH terms:NoExp] OR genetic[tiab] OR genetics[tiab] OR hereditary[tiab] OR inborn[tiab] OR inherited[tiab] OR intrafamilial[tiab] OR predisposition[tiab] OR ge[sh] OR "22q11 Deletion Syndrome"[mesh:noexp] OR "Abetalipoproteinemia"[mesh:noexp] OR "Achondroplasia"[mesh:noexp] OR "Activated Protein C Resistance"[mesh:noexp] OR "Acute Chest Syndrome"[mesh:noexp] OR "Adrenal Hyperplasia, Congenital"[mesh:noexp] OR "Adrenoleukodystrophy"[mesh:noexp] OR "Afibrinogenemia"[mesh:noexp] OR "Aicardi Syndrome"[mesh:noexp] OR "Alagille Syndrome"[mesh:noexp] OR "Albinism"[mesh:noexp] OR "Albinism, Ocular"[mesh:noexp] OR "Albinism, Oculocutaneous"[mesh:noexp] OR "Alexander Disease"[mesh:noexp] OR "Alkaptonuria"[mesh:noexp] OR "alpha 1-Antitrypsin Deficiency"[mesh:noexp] OR "alpha-Mannosidosis"[mesh:noexp] OR "alpha-Thalassemia"[mesh:noexp] OR "Alstrom Syndrome"[mesh:noexp] OR "Amino Acid Metabolism, Inborn Errors"[mesh:noexp] OR "Amino Acid Transport Disorders, Inborn"[mesh:noexp] OR "Amyloid Neuropathies, Familial"[mesh:noexp] OR "Amyloidosis, Familial"[mesh:noexp] OR "Androgen-Insensitivity Syndrome"[mesh:noexp] OR "Anemia, Diamond-Blackfan"[mesh:noexp] OR "Anemia, Dyserythropoietic, Congenital"[mesh:noexp] OR "Anemia, Hemolytic, Congenital"[mesh:noexp] OR "Anemia, Hemolytic, Congenital Nonspherocytic"[mesh:noexp] OR "Anemia, Hypoplastic, Congenital"[mesh:noexp] OR "Anemia, Sickle Cell"[mesh:noexp] OR "Angelman Syndrome"[mesh:noexp] OR "Aniridia"[mesh:noexp] OR "Antithrombin III Deficiency"[mesh:noexp] OR "Argininosuccinic Aciduria"[mesh:noexp] OR "Arthritis, Gouty"[mesh:noexp] OR "Aspartylglucosaminuria"[mesh:noexp] OR "Ataxia Telangiectasia"[mesh:noexp] OR "Autoimmune Lymphoproliferative Syndrome"[mesh:noexp] OR "Autosomal Emery-Dreifuss Muscular Dystrophy"[mesh:noexp] OR "Bardet-Biedl Syndrome"[mesh:noexp] OR "Barth Syndrome"[mesh:noexp] OR "Beckwith-Wiedemann Syndrome"[mesh:noexp] OR "Bernard-Soulier Syndrome"[mesh:noexp] OR "beta-Mannosidosis"[mesh:noexp] OR "beta-Thalassemia"[mesh:noexp] OR "Biotinidase Deficiency"[mesh:noexp] OR "Blood Coagulation Disorders, Inherited"[mesh:noexp] OR "Brain Diseases, Metabolic, Inborn"[mesh:noexp] OR "Branchio-Oto-Renal Syndrome"[mesh:noexp] OR "Brugada Syndrome"[mesh:noexp] OR "Bulbo-Spinal Atrophy, X-Linked"[mesh:noexp] OR "CADASIL"[mesh:noexp] OR "Camurati-Engelmann Syndrome"[mesh:noexp] OR "Canavan Disease"[mesh:noexp] OR "Carbamoyl-Phosphate Synthase I Deficiency Disease"[mesh:noexp] OR "Carbohydrate Metabolism, Inborn Errors"[mesh:noexp] OR "Cardiomyopathy, Dilated"[mesh:noexp] OR "Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic, Familial"[mesh:noexp] OR "Caroli Disease"[mesh:noexp] OR "Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy, Familial"[mesh:noexp] OR "CHARGE Syndrome"[mesh:noexp] OR "Cherubism"[mesh:noexp] OR "Cholesterol Ester Storage Disease"[mesh:noexp] OR "Choroideremia"[mesh:noexp] OR "Chromosome Disorders"[mesh:noexp] OR "Ciliary Motility Disorders"[mesh:noexp] OR "Ciliopathies"[mesh:noexp] OR "Citrullinemia"[mesh:noexp] OR "Classical Lissencephalies and Subcortical Band Heterotopias"[mesh:noexp] OR "Cockayne Syndrome"[mesh:noexp] OR "Coffin-Lowry Syndrome"[mesh:noexp] OR "Cone-Rod Dystrophies"[mesh:noexp] OR "Congenital Disorders of Glycosylation"[mesh:noexp] OR "Congenital Hypothyroidism"[mesh:noexp] OR "Coproporphyria, Hereditary"[mesh:noexp] OR "Corneal Dystrophies, Hereditary"[mesh:noexp] OR "Corneal Dystrophy, Juvenile Epithelial of Meesmann"[mesh:noexp] OR "Costello Syndrome"[mesh:noexp] OR "Cri-du-Chat Syndrome"[mesh:noexp] OR "Crigler-Najjar Syndrome"[mesh:noexp] OR "Cystic Fibrosis"[mesh:noexp] OR "Cystinosis"[mesh:noexp] OR "Cytochrome-c Oxidase Deficiency"[mesh:noexp] OR "De Lange Syndrome"[mesh:noexp] OR "delta-Thalassemia"[mesh:noexp] OR "Dent Disease"[mesh:noexp] OR "DiGeorge Syndrome"[mesh:noexp] OR "Donohue Syndrome"[mesh:noexp] OR "Down Syndrome"[mesh:noexp] OR "Duane Retraction Syndrome"[mesh:noexp] OR "Dwarfism"[mesh:noexp] OR "Dyskeratosis Congenita"[mesh:noexp] OR "Ectodermal Dysplasia 1, Anhidrotic"[mesh:noexp] OR "Elliptocytosis, Hereditary"[mesh:noexp] OR "Eye Diseases, Hereditary"[mesh:noexp] OR "Fabry Disease"[mesh:noexp] OR "Factor V Deficiency"[mesh:noexp] OR "Factor VII Deficiency"[mesh:noexp] OR "Factor X Deficiency"[mesh:noexp] OR "Factor XI Deficiency"[mesh:noexp] OR "Factor XII Deficiency"[mesh:noexp] OR "Factor XIII Deficiency"[mesh:noexp] OR "Familial Exudative Vitreoretinopathies"[mesh:noexp] OR "Familial Hypophosphatemic Rickets"[mesh:noexp] OR "Familial Multiple Lipomatosis"[mesh:noexp] OR "Fanconi Anemia"[mesh:noexp] OR "Farber Lipogranulomatosis"[mesh:noexp] OR "Favism"[mesh:noexp] OR "Focal Dermal Hypoplasia"[mesh:noexp] OR "Fragile X Syndrome"[mesh:noexp] OR "Frasier Syndrome"[mesh:noexp] OR "Fructose Intolerance"[mesh:noexp] OR "Fructose Metabolism, Inborn Errors"[mesh:noexp] OR "Fructose-1,6-Diphosphatase Deficiency"[mesh:noexp] OR "Fuchs' Endothelial Dystrophy"[mesh:noexp] OR "Fucosidosis"[mesh:noexp] OR "Galactosemias"[mesh:noexp] OR "Gangliosidoses"[mesh:noexp] OR "Gangliosidoses, GM2"[mesh:noexp] OR "Gangliosidosis, GM1"[mesh:noexp] OR "GATA2 Deficiency"[mesh:noexp] OR "Gaucher Disease"[mesh:noexp] OR "Genetic Diseases, Inborn"[mesh:noexp] OR "Genetic Diseases, X-Linked"[mesh:noexp] OR "Genetic Diseases, Y-Linked"[mesh:noexp] OR "Gilbert Disease"[mesh:noexp] OR "Glucosephosphate Dehydrogenase Deficiency"[mesh:noexp] OR "Glycogen Storage Disease"[mesh:noexp] OR "Glycogen Storage Disease Type I"[mesh:noexp] OR "Glycogen Storage Disease Type II"[mesh:noexp] OR "Glycogen Storage Disease Type IIb"[mesh:noexp] OR "Glycogen Storage Disease Type III"[mesh:noexp] OR "Glycogen Storage Disease Type IV"[mesh:noexp] OR "Glycogen Storage Disease Type V"[mesh:noexp] OR "Glycogen Storage Disease Type VI"[mesh:noexp] OR "Glycogen Storage Disease Type VII"[mesh:noexp] OR "Glycogen Storage Disease Type VIII"[mesh:noexp] OR "Gonadal Dysgenesis, Mixed"[mesh:noexp] OR "Granulomatous Disease, Chronic"[mesh:noexp] OR "Graves Ophthalmopathy"[mesh:noexp] OR "Gray Platelet Syndrome"[mesh:noexp] OR "Gyrate Atrophy"[mesh:noexp] OR "Hajdu-Cheney Syndrome"[mesh:noexp] OR "Hartnup Disease"[mesh:noexp] OR "Hemoglobin C Disease"[mesh:noexp] OR "Hemoglobin SC Disease"[mesh:noexp] OR "Hemoglobinopathies"[mesh:noexp] OR "Hemophilia A"[mesh:noexp] OR "Hemophilia B"[mesh:noexp] OR "Hepatolenticular Degeneration"[mesh:noexp] OR "Hereditary Autoinflammatory Diseases"[mesh:noexp] OR "Hereditary Central Nervous System Demyelinating Diseases"[mesh:noexp] OR "Heredodegenerative Disorders, Nervous System"[mesh:noexp] OR "Hermanski-Pudlak Syndrome"[mesh:noexp] OR "Holocarboxylase Synthetase Deficiency"[mesh:noexp] OR "Holoprosencephaly"[mesh:noexp] OR "Homocystinuria"[mesh:noexp] OR "Homozygous Familial Hypercholesterolemia"[mesh:noexp] OR "Hyperargininemia"[mesh:noexp] OR "Hyperbilirubinemia, Hereditary"[mesh:noexp] OR "Hyperglycinemia, Nonketotic"[mesh:noexp] OR "Hyperhomocysteinemia"[mesh:noexp] OR "Hyper-IgM Immunodeficiency Syndrome"[mesh:noexp] OR "Hyper-IgM Immunodeficiency Syndrome, Type 1"[mesh:noexp] OR "Hyperlipidemia, Familial Combined"[mesh:noexp] OR "Hyperlipoproteinemia Type I"[mesh:noexp] OR "Hyperlipoproteinemia Type II"[mesh:noexp] OR "Hyperlipoproteinemia Type III"[mesh:noexp] OR "Hyperlipoproteinemia Type IV"[mesh:noexp] OR "Hyperlipoproteinemia Type V"[mesh:noexp] OR "Hyperlysinemias"[mesh:noexp] OR "Hyperoxaluria, Primary"[mesh:noexp] OR "Hyperthyroxinemia, Familial Dysalbuminemic"[mesh:noexp] OR "Hypoalphalipoproteinemias"[mesh:noexp] OR "Hypobetalipoproteinemias"[mesh:noexp] OR "Hypokalemic Periodic Paralysis"[mesh:noexp] OR "Hypolipoproteinemias"[mesh:noexp] OR "Hypoprothrombinemias"[mesh:noexp] OR "Ichthyosis, X-Linked"[mesh:noexp] OR "Imprinting Disorders"[mesh:noexp] OR "Isolated Noncompaction of the Ventricular Myocardium"[mesh:noexp] OR "Jacobsen Distal 11q Deletion Syndrome"[mesh:noexp] OR "Jaundice, Chronic Idiopathic"[mesh:noexp] OR "Kallmann Syndrome"[mesh:noexp] OR "Kartagener Syndrome"[mesh:noexp] OR "Keratoderma, Palmoplantar, Epidermolytic"[mesh:noexp] OR "Klinefelter Syndrome"[mesh:noexp] OR "Lactose Intolerance"[mesh:noexp] OR "Laminopathies"[mesh:noexp] OR "Laron Syndrome"[mesh:noexp] OR "Lecithin Cholesterol Acyltransferase Deficiency"[mesh:noexp] OR "Leigh Disease"[mesh:noexp] OR "Lennox Gastaut Syndrome"[mesh:noexp] OR "Lesch-Nyhan Syndrome"[mesh:noexp] OR "Leukodystrophy, Globoid Cell"[mesh:noexp] OR "Leukodystrophy, Metachromatic"[mesh:noexp] OR "Leukokeratosis, Hereditary Mucosal"[mesh:noexp] OR "Lipid Metabolism, Inborn Errors"[mesh:noexp] OR "Lipidoses"[mesh:noexp] OR "Lipodystrophy, Congenital Generalized"[mesh:noexp] OR "Lipodystrophy, Familial Partial"[mesh:noexp] OR "Lipoid Proteinosis of Urbach and Wiethe"[mesh:noexp] OR "Loeys-Dietz Syndrome"[mesh:noexp] OR "Lysosomal Storage Diseases"[mesh:noexp] OR "Lysosomal Storage Diseases, Nervous System"[mesh:noexp] OR "Mannosidase Deficiency Diseases"[mesh:noexp] OR "Maple Syrup Urine Disease"[mesh:noexp] OR "Marfan Syndrome"[mesh:noexp] OR "MELAS Syndrome"[mesh:noexp] OR "Menkes Kinky Hair Syndrome"[mesh:noexp] OR "Mental Retardation, X-Linked"[mesh:noexp] OR "MERRF Syndrome"[mesh:noexp] OR "Metabolism, Inborn Errors"[mesh:noexp] OR "Mevalonate Kinase Deficiency"[mesh:noexp] OR "Monilethrix"[mesh:noexp] OR "Mucolipidoses"[mesh:noexp] OR "Mucopolysaccharidoses"[mesh:noexp] OR "Mucopolysaccharidosis I"[mesh:noexp] OR "Mucopolysaccharidosis II"[mesh:noexp] OR "Mucopolysaccharidosis III"[mesh:noexp] OR "Mucopolysaccharidosis IV"[mesh:noexp] OR "Mucopolysaccharidosis VI"[mesh:noexp] OR "Mucopolysaccharidosis VII"[mesh:noexp] OR "Muir-Torre Syndrome"[mesh:noexp] OR "Mulibrey Nanism"[mesh:noexp] OR "Multiple Acyl Coenzyme A Dehydrogenase Deficiency"[mesh:noexp] OR "Multiple Carboxylase Deficiency"[mesh:noexp] OR "Multiple Sulfatase Deficiency Disease"[mesh:noexp] OR "Muscular Dystrophy, Duchenne"[mesh:noexp] OR "Muscular Dystrophy, Emery-Dreifuss"[mesh:noexp] OR "Netherton Syndrome"[mesh:noexp] OR "Neuronal Ceroid-Lipofuscinoses"[mesh:noexp] OR "Niemann-Pick Disease, Type A"[mesh:noexp] OR "Niemann-Pick Disease, Type B"[mesh:noexp] OR "Niemann-Pick Disease, Type C"[mesh:noexp] OR "Niemann-Pick Diseases"[mesh:noexp] OR "Oculocerebrorenal Syndrome"[mesh:noexp] OR "Optic Atrophies, Hereditary"[mesh:noexp] OR "Optic Atrophy, Autosomal Dominant"[mesh:noexp] OR "Optic Atrophy, Hereditary, Leber"[mesh:noexp] OR "Optic Nerve Hypoplasia"[mesh:noexp] OR "Ornithine Carbamoyltransferase Deficiency Disease"[mesh:noexp] OR "Orofaciodigital Syndromes"[mesh:noexp] OR "Papillon-Lefevre Disease"[mesh:noexp] OR "Paralysis, Hyperkalemic Periodic"[mesh:noexp] OR "Pelizaeus-Merzbacher Disease"[mesh:noexp] OR "Pemphigus, Benign Familial"[mesh:noexp] OR "Phenylketonuria, Maternal"[mesh:noexp] OR "Phenylketonurias"[mesh:noexp] OR "Piebaldism"[mesh:noexp] OR "Polycystic Kidney Diseases"[mesh:noexp] OR "Polycystic Kidney, Autosomal Dominant"[mesh:noexp] OR "Polycystic Kidney, Autosomal Recessive"[mesh:noexp] OR "Porokeratosis"[mesh:noexp] OR "Porphyria Cutanea Tarda"[mesh:noexp] OR "Porphyria, Acute Intermittent"[mesh:noexp] OR "Porphyria, Erythropoietic"[mesh:noexp] OR "Porphyria, Hepatoerythropoietic"[mesh:noexp] OR "Porphyria, Variegate"[mesh:noexp] OR "Porphyrias, Hepatic"[mesh:noexp] OR "Prader-Willi Syndrome"[mesh:noexp] OR "Progeria"[mesh:noexp] OR "Prolidase Deficiency"[mesh:noexp] OR "Propionic Acidemia"[mesh:noexp] OR "Protein C Deficiency"[mesh:noexp] OR "Protoporphyria, Erythropoietic"[mesh:noexp] OR "Pseudopseudohypoparathyroidism"[mesh:noexp] OR "Pseudoxanthoma Elasticum"[mesh:noexp] OR "Pyruvate Carboxylase Deficiency Disease"[mesh:noexp] OR "Pyruvate Dehydrogenase Complex Deficiency Disease"[mesh:noexp] OR "Pyruvate Metabolism, Inborn Errors"[mesh:noexp] OR "Refsum Disease"[mesh:noexp] OR "Refsum Disease, Infantile"[mesh:noexp] OR "Retinal Dysplasia"[mesh:noexp] OR "Retinitis Pigmentosa"[mesh:noexp] OR "Rett Syndrome"[mesh:noexp] OR "Rothmund-Thomson Syndrome"[mesh:noexp] OR "Rubinstein-Taybi Syndrome"[mesh:noexp] OR "Sandhoff Disease"[mesh:noexp] OR "Sea-Blue Histiocyte Syndrome"[mesh:noexp] OR "Sex Chromosome Disorders"[mesh:noexp] OR "Sex Chromosome Disorders of Sex Development"[mesh:noexp] OR "Sialic Acid Storage Disease"[mesh:noexp] OR "Sickle Cell Trait"[mesh:noexp] OR "Silver-Russell Syndrome"[mesh:noexp] OR "Sjogren-Larsson Syndrome"[mesh:noexp] OR "Smith-Lemli-Opitz Syndrome"[mesh:noexp] OR "Smith-Magenis Syndrome"[mesh:noexp] OR "Sotos Syndrome"[mesh:noexp] OR "Spherocytosis, Hereditary"[mesh:noexp] OR "Sphingolipidoses"[mesh:noexp] OR "Stargardt Disease"[mesh:noexp] OR "Steatocystoma Multiplex"[mesh:noexp] OR "Sulfatidosis"[mesh:noexp] OR "Tangier Disease"[mesh:noexp] OR "Tay-Sachs Disease"[mesh:noexp] OR "Tay-Sachs Disease, AB Variant"[mesh:noexp] OR "Thalassemia"[mesh:noexp] OR "Thanatophoric Dysplasia"[mesh:noexp] OR "Thrombasthenia"[mesh:noexp] OR "Trichothiodystrophy Syndromes"[mesh:noexp] OR "Trisomy 13 Syndrome"[mesh:noexp] OR "Trisomy 18 Syndrome"[mesh:noexp] OR "Turner Syndrome"[mesh:noexp] OR "Tyrosinemias"[mesh:noexp] OR "Urea Cycle Disorders, Inborn"[mesh:noexp] OR "Usher Syndromes"[mesh:noexp] OR "Vitelliform Macular Dystrophy"[mesh:noexp] OR "von Hippel-Lindau Disease"[mesh:noexp] OR "von Willebrand Disease, Type 1"[mesh:noexp] OR "von Willebrand Disease, Type 2"[mesh:noexp] OR "von Willebrand Disease, Type 3"[mesh:noexp] OR "von Willebrand Diseases"[mesh:noexp] OR "WAGR Syndrome"[mesh:noexp] OR "Weill-Marchesani Syndrome"[mesh:noexp] OR "Werner Syndrome"[mesh:noexp] OR "Williams Syndrome"[mesh:noexp] OR "Wiskott-Aldrich Syndrome"[mesh:noexp] OR "Wolf-Hirschhorn Syndrome"[mesh:noexp] OR "Wolfram Syndrome"[mesh:noexp] OR "Wolman Disease"[mesh:noexp] OR "Xanthomatosis, Cerebrotendinous"[mesh:noexp] OR "Xeroderma Pigmentosum"[mesh:noexp] OR "X-Linked Combined Immunodeficiency Diseases"[mesh:noexp] OR "X-Linked Emery-Dreifuss Muscular Dystrophy"[mesh:noexp] OR "Yellow Nail Syndrome"[mesh:noexp] OR "Zellweger Syndrome"[mesh:noexp]
This does not look for specific genetic diseases but is designed to be very broad.
Link to PubMed search for genetic counseling
(((genetic carrier screening[MeSH terms:NoExp] OR Genetic Determinism[MeSH terms:NoExp] OR "Genetic Diseases, Inborn"[MeSH terms:NoExp] OR Genetics, Medical[MeSH terms:NoExp] OR "Genetic Predisposition to Disease"[MeSH terms:NoExp] OR genetic research[MeSH Terms:NoExp] OR genetic services[MeSH terms:NoExp] OR genetic techniques[MeSH terms:NoExp] OR genetic testing[MeSH terms:NoExp] OR genetic therapy[MeSH terms:NoExp] OR genetics[MeSH Terms:NoExp] OR human genetics[MeSH Terms:NoExp] OR noninvasive prenatal testing[MeSH terms:NoExp] OR pharmacogenomic testing[MeSH terms:NoExp] OR ge[sh] OR chromosomal[TIAB] OR chromosomes*[TIAB] OR DNA[TIAB] OR genetic[tiab] OR genetics[tiab] OR hereditary[tiab] OR inborn[tiab] OR inherited[tiab] OR intrafamilial[tiab] OR predisposition[tiab] OR RNA[tiab]) AND (Counseling[MeSH terms:NoExp] OR Counselors[MeSH terms:NoExp] OR directive counseling[MeSH terms:NoExp] OR counsel*[tiab])) OR genetic counseling[MeSH terms:NoExp]) AND English[la]
Link to the search displayed below.
((genetic carrier screening[MeSH terms:NoExp] OR Genetic Determinism[MeSH terms:NoExp] OR "Genetic Diseases, Inborn"[MeSH terms:NoExp] OR Genetics, Medical[MeSH terms:NoExp] OR "Genetic Predisposition to Disease"[MeSH terms:NoExp] OR genetic research[MeSH Terms:NoExp] OR genetic services[MeSH terms:NoExp] OR genetic techniques[MeSH terms:NoExp] OR genetic testing[MeSH terms:NoExp] OR genetic therapy[MeSH terms:NoExp] OR genetics[MeSH Terms:NoExp] OR human genetics[MeSH Terms:NoExp] OR noninvasive prenatal testing[MeSH terms:NoExp] OR pharmacogenomic testing[MeSH terms:NoExp] OR chromosomal[TIAB] OR chromosomes*[TIAB] OR DNA[TIAB] OR genetic[tiab] OR genetics[tiab] OR hereditary[tiab] OR inborn[tiab] OR inherited[tiab] OR intrafamilial[tiab] OR predisposition[tiab] OR RNA[tiab] OR ge[sh]) AND ((Counseling[MeSH terms:NoExp] OR Counselors[MeSH terms:NoExp] OR directive counseling[MeSH terms:NoExp] OR counsel*[tiab])) OR genetic counseling[MeSH terms:NoExp]) AND ("Muscular Dystrophies"[Mesh:NoExp] OR "Muscular Dystrophy, Duchenne"[Mesh] OR Duchenne*[TIAB] OR "muscular dystrophies"[TIAB] OR "muscular dystrophy"[TIAB]) AND English[la]
It may see that everything you need to know can be found only in journal articles. However, books and book chapters are a great way to locate synthesized research in which the authors have room to provide details that articles cannot provide.
There are many options for searching the research literature besides PubMed/Ovid Medline. Below are other databases to consider.
Produced by: American Psychological Association
About: About APA PsycInfo, "The premier abstracting and indexing database covering the behavioral and social sciences from the authority in psychology"
About: This database is abstracted from hundreds of leading journals covering health sciences and psychosocial sciences. It provides information about behavioral measurement instruments, including those from Industrial Organizational Behavior and Education. Records contained in HAPI provide information on questionnaires, interview schedules, vignettes/scenarios, coding schemes, rating and other scales, checklists, indexes, tests, projective techniques and more.
Embase includes some European research journals not indexed by PubMed. It also includes all citations from PubMed. However, I would strongly recommend PubMed first, then following up with Embase if you feel you need more or want a slightly different perspective.