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Public Health Science Academy 2022

This LibGuide was developed as a resources for the University of Pittsburgh Public Health Science Academy which was organized by the School of Public Health. The participants in the Academy are junior and senior high school students.

What is the built environment? How is it related to equity?

What is the built environment?

"The built environment includes the physical makeup of where we live, learn, work, and play—our homes, schools, businesses, streets and sidewalks, open spaces, and transportation options. The built environment can influence overall community health and individual behaviors such as physical activity and healthy eating."

How is it related to equity?

Social Determinants of Health (SDOH): Interventions & Resources  (Healthy People 2020)

Produced by: US Dept. of Health and Human Services
About: Provides literature summaries for the SDOH

Below are the topics covered under the "Built Environment" domain:

Neighborhood and Built Environment (Healthy People 2030)

Produced by: US Dept. of Health and Human Services
About: Describes the HP 2030 goals for this category

Determinants of health publicly available data

LibGuide menu: Social/Behavioral DetermantsHSLS LibGuide: Social & Behavioral Determinants of Health

  • This LibGuide is part of a larger collection of resources that provide access to publicly available data on a variety of health and health-related topics. 
  • Learn more about the determinants of health on the 1st page, then use the other resources to examine data related to each topic.

Books and book chapters

Online books

Online book chapters

Search PubMed for articles

What is photovoice? And why use this type of research methodology?

"Photovoice is a process by which people can identify, represent, and enhance their community through a specific photographic technique. As a practice based in the production of knowledge, photovoice has three main goals: (1) to enable people to record and reflect their community's strengths and concerns, (2) to promote critical dialogue and knowledge about important issues through large and small group discussion of photographs, and (3) to reach policymakers. Applying photovoice to public health promotion, the authors describe the methodology and analyze its value for participatory needs assessment. They discuss the development of the photovoice concept, advantages and disadvantages, key elements, participatory analysis, materials and resources, and implications for practice."

From: Wang C, Burris MA. Photovoice: concept, methodology, and use for participatory needs assessment. Heal Educ Behav. 1997;24:369–87. (Open access article; no login required)

PubMed searches for articles published in English from 2000 to 2023. 

Many of the items found in the searches below are available as open access articles including:

Search for photovoice and the built environment 

  • This is what the search looks like:
    • photovoice[tiab] AND (buildings[tiab] OR "built environment"[tiab] OR homes[tiab] OR infrastructure[tiab] OR "open spaces"[tiab] OR parks[tiab] OR sidewalks[tiab] OR streets[tiab]) AND english[la] NOT ((africa[MESH] OR asia[MESH] OR australia[MESH] OR canada[MESH] OR central america[mesh] OR europe[MESH] OR south america[MESH]) NOT (north america[MESH:NOEXP] OR united states[MESH])) AND 2000:2023[dp]
  • No population designated
  • Finds approximately 45 items

Search for photovoice and disparities

  • Replaced built environment terms with disparities terms
    • photovoice[tiab] AND ("Health Status Disparities"[mesh:noexp] OR "Healthcare Disparities"[mesh:noexp] OR "Social Justice"[mesh:noexp] OR Disparit*[tiab] OR Inequalities[tiab] OR Inequities[tiab] OR Social justice[tiab]) AND english[la] NOT ((africa[MESH] OR asia[MESH] OR australia[MESH] OR canada[MESH] OR central america[mesh] OR europe[MESH] OR south america[MESH]) NOT (north america[MESH:NOEXP] OR united states[MESH])) AND 2000:2023[dp]
  • Finds approximately 100 items

Search for photovoice and transportation

  • Replace disparities terms with transportation terms
    • photovoice[tiab] AND (Noise, Transportation[mesh:noexp] OR transportation[mesh:noexp] OR motor vehicles[mesh:noexp] OR automobiles[mesh:noexp] OR busses[tiab] OR transportation noise[tiab] OR honking[tiab] OR transportation[tiab]) AND english[la] NOT ((africa[MESH] OR asia[MESH] OR australia[MESH] OR canada[MESH] OR central america[mesh] OR europe[MESH] OR south america[MESH]) NOT (north america[MESH:NOEXP] OR united states[MESH])) AND 2000:2023[dp]
  • Finds approximately 20 items

Further exploration

These searches are a little broader meaning... You will see more items that aren't what you 

Access to food AND transportation AND disparities

  • Added terms for access to food at the beginning of the search:
    • (access AND (food OR fruit OR grocer* OR vegetables)) AND (Noise, Transportation[mesh:noexp] OR transportation[mesh:noexp] OR motor vehicles[mesh:noexp] OR automobiles[mesh:noexp] OR busses[tiab] OR transportation noise[tiab] OR honking[tiab] OR transportation[tiab]) AND ("Health Status Disparities"[mesh:noexp] OR "Healthcare Disparities"[mesh:noexp] OR "Social Justice"[mesh:noexp] OR Disparit*[tiab] OR Inequalities[tiab] OR Inequities[tiab] OR Social justice[tiab]) AND english[la] NOT ((africa[MESH] OR asia[MESH] OR australia[MESH] OR canada[MESH] OR central america[mesh] OR europe[MESH] OR south america[MESH]) NOT (north america[MESH:NOEXP] OR united states[MESH])) AND 2000:2023[dp]
  • Finds approximately 75 items

Search for photovoice and youth

  • Search for US (mostly) studies about photovoice and youth:
    • photovoice AND (youth OR adolescents OR teens) AND english[la] NOT ((africa[MESH] OR asia[MESH] OR australia[MESH] OR canada[MESH] OR central america[mesh] OR europe[MESH] OR south america[MESH]) NOT (north america[MESH:NOEXP] OR united states[MESH])) AND 2000:2023[dp]
  • Almost 200 items are found

Using "Cited by" in PubMed

Cited by in PubMed using Page Navigation on the right side of the article record

If you find what looks to be a really good article (especially one that is at least 2 years old), click on the title to go into the article record. On the right side is the page navigation for the article. Click on Cited by to retrieve other articles that cited the one you like. 

For example, the article below has been cited 12 times in the PubMed database:

Mmari K, Lantos H, Brahmbhatt H, Delany-Moretlwe S, Lou C, Acharya R, Sangowawa A. How adolescents perceive their communities: a qualitative study that explores the relationship between health and the physical environment. BMC Public Health. 2014 Apr 12;14:349. doi: 10.1186/1471-2458-14-349. PMID: 24726018; PMCID: PMC4000407.

You have to scroll down below the list of "Cited by" items to click on the link to See all "Cited by" articles.