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Data Services

Data Repositories

The NNLM data thesaurus defines a data repository as a: "place that holds data, makes data available to use, and organizes data in a logical manner."  

The NIH has guidance for selecting a repository for data resulting from NIH-supported research.

Directories to Locate Repositories

Although not comprehensive, these directories are a good place to start searching for a data repository.  

Generalist Repositories

These repositories host data regardless of type, format, content, or subject matter.  Note: the below is not an exhaustive list; see the generalist repositories listed on the NIH page for additional suggestions.  

This comparison chart may be helpful when considering more than one repository. 

Domain-Specific Repositories

This is a selective list of domain-specific resources, including genomics and clinical.  To locate more, please use the directories listed above or reach out to a librarian.  

Other Resources

Citing Data

Data citations allow the impact of data to be tracked, are separate from publication citations and enable credit to be given to author(s).

Two citation templates are commonly accepted:

Data Journals

Data journals are a means to share datasets and provide detailed information about the methods and instrumentation used to acquire the data. Below is a selected list of open access data journals for the health sciences.  The journals that are indexed and findable in PubMed are denoted.