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Creating Citation Reports

How to create a citation report in the Web of Science and Journal Citation Reports.

Introduction to the Resources

In order to create a report that includes publications, the times cited of those publications, author h-index, and the impact factor of the journals you've published in, you'll need to use two resources:

  • Web of Science provides your publications and author metrics.
  • Journal Citation Reports provides the journal impact factor.

This guide provides step-by-step instructions on how to create and export these reports. If you have any questions or need further help, reach out to HSLS Publishing Services.

What is the Web of Science?

The Web of Science is a multidisciplinary database that includes literature from the health sciences, social sciences, art and humanities, and other disciplines. Its coverage goes back to 1945 and includes document types such as peer-reviewed articles, preprints, book chapters, conference proceedings, meeting abstracts, and editorial materials. It also provides bibliometrics on the article and author levels.

What is Journal Citation Reports?

Journal Citation Reports is a database that includes metrics for journals indexed in the Web of Science and is updated yearly. In Journal Citation Reports, you can find the impact factor and other metrics such as JIF rank and JIF quartiles, Journal Citation Indicator, Eigenfactor Score, open access data, and more.