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Mobile Apps

Create an Account

  1. Direct your browser to the Micromedex website.
  2. Click on the Download Mobile Apps button on the bottom right side of the page.
  3. Click on Micromedex Mobile Apps Access (Included with subscription).
  4. Scroll down to the "Micromedex® Pediatrics Reference" installation instructions.
  5. Complete the installation instructions.

NOTE: Do not share the password.

Updates & Expiration

To obtain uninterrupted access, you will be prompted to update/download content at least once per quarter. You must also enter the password when prompted.

App Description

The Pediatric Reference App contains evidence-based, fully referenced neonatal-specific drug information to efficiently and safely manage drug therapy for pediatric patients. The drug monographs cover: dose, administration, uses, contraindications/precautions, adverse effects monitoring, pharmacology, special considerations/preparation, solution- and drug-drug compatibility/incompatibility information, and references. The app also includes a comprehensive enteral formulas component providing nutritional information for approximately 100 different neonatal and infant formulas, and human milk fortifiers. Pediatric Reference is intended for full-term babies 29 days of age and older (PNA) and preterm babies over 44 weeks postmenstrual age (GA PNA), up to 18 years of age.

Get Help

In app, tap on the Information icon.

*Last reviewed November 2024