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Ovid Medline Search Filters

Search for any kind of cancer anywhere in the body

Cancer in Ovid Medline (Reviewed 5 June 2024)

If it doesn't matter WHAT kind of cancer, this filter should find it. But-- you need to make certain your other concepts can narrow appropriately as this is a very broad search.

The search retrieves well over 5.3 million results.

All cancers search

exp Neoplasms/ or (Adenosarcoma* or blastoma* or cancer or cancers or carcinoma* or Carcinosarcoma* or glioma* or leukemia* or Liposarcoma or Lymphangiom* or lymphoma* or melanoma* or metastatic or myeloma* or neoplasm* or oncolog* or osteosarcoma* or sarcoma* or tumor* or tumour*).ti,ab,kf,kw.


The following search utilizes these broad concepts: Cancer + cultural competency + limit to US studies

Search cancer/cultural competency/US studies in Ovid Medline (Finds ~1900 items)

(exp Neoplasms/ or (Adenosarcoma* or blastoma* or cancer or cancers or carcinoma* or Carcinosarcoma* or glioma* or leukemia* or Liposarcoma or Lymphangiom* or lymphoma* or melanoma* or metastatic or myeloma* or neoplasm* or oncolog* or osteosarcoma* or sarcoma* or tumor* or tumour*).ti,ab,kf,kw.) and ("Cultural Competency"/ or "Culturally Competent Care"/ or (((cultural or culturally) adj3 (appropriate or appropriateness or competency or competent or inappropriate or incompetent or incompetency or insensitive or insensitivity or responsive or responsiveness or safe or sensitive or sensitivity)) or (culture adj2 appropriate)).ti,ab,kf,kw.) not ((exp africa/ or exp asia/ or exp australia/ or exp canada/ or exp central america/ or exp europe/ or exp south america/) not (north america/ or exp united states/))

Core outcomes sets

What are core outcomes?

When conducting a trial, how do you know which outcomes are most appropriate for measurement? One way is to check for a core outcome set on your topic.

"A core outcome set (COS) is an agreed standardised set of outcomes that should be measured and reported, as a minimum, in all clinical trials in specific areas of health or health care." (COMET Initiative)

Below are two ways to search for core outcomes. 

Core outcomes search in the title field only

The first way searches only the title field and will retrieve fewer results but they tend to be highly pertinent. 

((core adj (outcome or outcomes)) or (outcome adj (set or sets))).ti.

Expanded core outcomes search

The 2nd way searches the title field as well as the abstract and keyword fields. Many of the articles won't be relevant; you will find articles that recommend the use of core outcomes but you will also find exploratory studies to determine next steps to develop core outcome sets for a specific area. This may be useful to you if you are interested in getting involved in the process or if you are writing a grant for a trial and you want to be certain you are focusing on appropriate outcomes even if there is not an outcome set. 

(((core adj (outcome or outcomes)) or (outcome adj (set or sets))).ti,ab,kf,kw.


expanded core outcome sets + pregnancy/maternal health (Requires Pitt login)

  • Includes the title search as well as the title/abstract/keyword search. 
Ovid Medline search comparing title search for core outcome sets and expanded search for core outcome sets
1 ((core adj2 (outcome or outcomes)) or (outcome adj2 (set or sets))).ti Title search for core outcome sets.
2 Maternal Health/  
3 exp Pregnancy Complications/ or exp Pregnancy/  
4 (maternal or pregnancy).ti,ab,kf,kw.  
5 2 or 3 or 4 Creates a concept cluster for pregnancy/maternal health. Combines the terms on lines 2, 3, 4.
6 1 and 5 Returns ONLY those items core outcome and pregnancy topics.
7 ((core adj2 (outcome or outcomes)) or (outcome adj2 (set or sets))).ti,ab,kf,kw. Expanded search for core outcomes. This more than doubles the results on line 1, but increases the number of non-relevant items
8 5 and 7 Combines the expanded core outcomes search with the pregnancy results. More than doubles the results on line 6

Genetic conditions, screening, and counseling

Genetics in general (Updated 12 September 2024; not completed but thorough search nonetheless)

Ultra-broad search for any kind of genetic-linked condition and genetic screening. (Pitt login required)

  1. genetic carrier screening/ or Genetic Counseling/ or Genetic Determinism/ or "Genetic Diseases, Inborn"/ or "Genetic Predisposition to Disease"/ or genetic research/ or genetic services/ or genetic techniques/ or genetic testing/ or genetic therapy/ or genetics/ or Genetics, Medical/ or human genetics/ or noninvasive prenatal testing/ or pharmacogenomic testing/
  2. "22q11 Deletion Syndrome"/ or "Abetalipoproteinemia"/ or "Achondroplasia"/ or "Activated Protein C Resistance"/ or "Acute Chest Syndrome"/ or "Adrenal Hyperplasia, Congenital"/ or "Adrenoleukodystrophy"/ or "Afibrinogenemia"/ or "Aicardi Syndrome"/ or "Alagille Syndrome"/ or "Albinism"/ or "Albinism, Ocular"/ or "Albinism, Oculocutaneous"/ or "Alexander Disease"/ or "Alkaptonuria"/ or "alpha 1-Antitrypsin Deficiency"/ or "alpha-Mannosidosis"/ or "alpha-Thalassemia"/ or "Alstrom Syndrome"/ or "Amino Acid Metabolism, Inborn Errors"/ or "Amino Acid Transport Disorders, Inborn"/ or "Amyloid Neuropathies, Familial"/ or "Amyloidosis, Familial"/ or "Androgen-Insensitivity Syndrome"/ or "Anemia, Diamond-Blackfan"/ or "Anemia, Dyserythropoietic, Congenital"/ or "Anemia, Hemolytic, Congenital"/ or "Anemia, Hemolytic, Congenital Nonspherocytic"/ or "Anemia, Hypoplastic, Congenital"/ or "Anemia, Sickle Cell"/ or "Angelman Syndrome"/ or "Aniridia"/ or "Antithrombin III Deficiency"/ or "Argininosuccinic Aciduria"/ or "Arthritis, Gouty"/ or "Aspartylglucosaminuria"/ or "Ataxia Telangiectasia"/ or "Autoimmune Lymphoproliferative Syndrome"/ or "Autosomal Emery-Dreifuss Muscular Dystrophy"/ or "Bardet-Biedl Syndrome"/ or "Barth Syndrome"/ or "Beckwith-Wiedemann Syndrome"/ or "Bernard-Soulier Syndrome"/ or "beta-Mannosidosis"/ or "beta-Thalassemia"/ or "Biotinidase Deficiency"/ or "Blood Coagulation Disorders, Inherited"/ or "Brain Diseases, Metabolic, Inborn"/ or "Branchio-Oto-Renal Syndrome"/ or "Brugada Syndrome"/ or "Bulbo-Spinal Atrophy, X-Linked"/ or "CADASIL"/ or "Camurati-Engelmann Syndrome"/ or "Canavan Disease"/ or "Carbamoyl-Phosphate Synthase I Deficiency Disease"/ or "Carbohydrate Metabolism, Inborn Errors"/ or "Cardiomyopathy, Dilated"/ or "Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic, Familial"/ or "Caroli Disease"/ or "Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy, Familial"/ or "CHARGE Syndrome"/ or "Cherubism"/ or "Cholesterol Ester Storage Disease"/ or "Choroideremia"/ or "Chromosome Disorders"/ or "Ciliary Motility Disorders"/ or "Ciliopathies"/ or "Citrullinemia"/ or "Classical Lissencephalies and Subcortical Band Heterotopias"/ or "Cockayne Syndrome"/ or "Coffin-Lowry Syndrome"/ or "Cone-Rod Dystrophies"/ or "Congenital Disorders of Glycosylation"/ or "Congenital Hypothyroidism"/ or "Coproporphyria, Hereditary"/ or "Corneal Dystrophies, Hereditary"/ or "Corneal Dystrophy, Juvenile Epithelial of Meesmann"/ or "Costello Syndrome"/ or "Cri-du-Chat Syndrome"/ or "Crigler-Najjar Syndrome"/ or "Cystic Fibrosis"/ or "Cystinosis"/ or "Cytochrome-c Oxidase Deficiency"/ or "De Lange Syndrome"/ or "delta-Thalassemia"/ or "Dent Disease"/ or "DiGeorge Syndrome"/ or "Donohue Syndrome"/ or "Down Syndrome"/ or "Duane Retraction Syndrome"/ or "Dwarfism"/ or "Dyskeratosis Congenita"/ or "Ectodermal Dysplasia 1, Anhidrotic"/ or "Elliptocytosis, Hereditary"/ or "Eye Diseases, Hereditary"/ or "Fabry Disease"/ or "Factor V Deficiency"/ or "Factor VII Deficiency"/ or "Factor X Deficiency"/ or "Factor XI Deficiency"/ or "Factor XII Deficiency"/ or "Factor XIII Deficiency"/ or "Familial Exudative Vitreoretinopathies"/ or "Familial Hypophosphatemic Rickets"/ or "Familial Multiple Lipomatosis"/ or "Fanconi Anemia"/ or "Farber Lipogranulomatosis"/ or "Favism"/ or "Focal Dermal Hypoplasia"/ or "Fragile X Syndrome"/ or "Frasier Syndrome"/ or "Fructose Intolerance"/ or "Fructose Metabolism, Inborn Errors"/ or "Fructose-1,6-Diphosphatase Deficiency"/ or "Fuchs' Endothelial Dystrophy"/ or "Fucosidosis"/ or "Galactosemias"/ or "Gangliosidoses"/ or "Gangliosidoses, GM2"/ or "Gangliosidosis, GM1"/ or "GATA2 Deficiency"/ or "Gaucher Disease"/ or "Genetic Diseases, Inborn"/ or "Genetic Diseases, X-Linked"/ or "Genetic Diseases, Y-Linked"/ or "Gilbert Disease"/ or "Glucosephosphate Dehydrogenase Deficiency"/ or "Glycogen Storage Disease"/ or "Glycogen Storage Disease Type I"/ or "Glycogen Storage Disease Type II"/ or "Glycogen Storage Disease Type IIb"/ or "Glycogen Storage Disease Type III"/ or "Glycogen Storage Disease Type IV"/ or "Glycogen Storage Disease Type V"/ or "Glycogen Storage Disease Type VI"/ or "Glycogen Storage Disease Type VII"/ or "Glycogen Storage Disease Type VIII"/ or "Gonadal Dysgenesis, Mixed"/ or "Granulomatous Disease, Chronic"/ or "Graves Ophthalmopathy"/ or "Gray Platelet Syndrome"/ or "Gyrate Atrophy"/ or "Hajdu-Cheney Syndrome"/ or "Hartnup Disease"/ or "Hemoglobin C Disease"/ or "Hemoglobin SC Disease"/ or "Hemoglobinopathies"/ or "Hemophilia A"/ or "Hemophilia B"/ or "Hepatolenticular Degeneration"/ or "Hereditary Autoinflammatory Diseases"/ or "Hereditary Central Nervous System Demyelinating Diseases"/ or "Heredodegenerative Disorders, Nervous System"/ or "Hermanski-Pudlak Syndrome"/ or "Holocarboxylase Synthetase Deficiency"/ or "Holoprosencephaly"/ or "Homocystinuria"/ or "Homozygous Familial Hypercholesterolemia"/ or "Hyperargininemia"/ or "Hyperbilirubinemia, Hereditary"/ or "Hyperglycinemia, Nonketotic"/ or "Hyperhomocysteinemia"/ or "Hyper-IgM Immunodeficiency Syndrome"/ or "Hyper-IgM Immunodeficiency Syndrome, Type 1"/ or "Hyperlipidemia, Familial Combined"/ or "Hyperlipoproteinemia Type I"/ or "Hyperlipoproteinemia Type II"/ or "Hyperlipoproteinemia Type III"/ or "Hyperlipoproteinemia Type IV"/ or "Hyperlipoproteinemia Type V"/ or "Hyperlysinemias"/ or "Hyperoxaluria, Primary"/ or "Hyperthyroxinemia, Familial Dysalbuminemic"/ or "Hypoalphalipoproteinemias"/ or "Hypobetalipoproteinemias"/ or "Hypokalemic Periodic Paralysis"/ or "Hypolipoproteinemias"/ or "Hypoprothrombinemias"/ or "Ichthyosis, X-Linked"/ or "Imprinting Disorders"/ or "Isolated Noncompaction of the Ventricular Myocardium"/ or "Jacobsen Distal 11q Deletion Syndrome"/ or "Jaundice, Chronic Idiopathic"/ or "Kallmann Syndrome"/ or "Kartagener Syndrome"/ or "Keratoderma, Palmoplantar, Epidermolytic"/ or "Klinefelter Syndrome"/ or "Lactose Intolerance"/ or "Laminopathies"/ or "Laron Syndrome"/ or "Lecithin Cholesterol Acyltransferase Deficiency"/ or "Leigh Disease"/ or "Lennox Gastaut Syndrome"/ or "Lesch-Nyhan Syndrome"/ or "Leukodystrophy, Globoid Cell"/ or "Leukodystrophy, Metachromatic"/ or "Leukokeratosis, Hereditary Mucosal"/ or "Lipid Metabolism, Inborn Errors"/ or "Lipidoses"/ or "Lipodystrophy, Congenital Generalized"/ or "Lipodystrophy, Familial Partial"/ or "Lipoid Proteinosis of Urbach and Wiethe"/ or "Loeys-Dietz Syndrome"/ or "Lysosomal Storage Diseases"/ or "Lysosomal Storage Diseases, Nervous System"/ or "Mannosidase Deficiency Diseases"/ or "Maple Syrup Urine Disease"/ or "Marfan Syndrome"/ or "MELAS Syndrome"/ or "Menkes Kinky Hair Syndrome"/ or "Mental Retardation, X-Linked"/ or "MERRF Syndrome"/ or "Metabolism, Inborn Errors"/ or "Mevalonate Kinase Deficiency"/ or "Monilethrix"/ or "Mucolipidoses"/ or "Mucopolysaccharidoses"/ or "Mucopolysaccharidosis I"/ or "Mucopolysaccharidosis II"/ or "Mucopolysaccharidosis III"/ or "Mucopolysaccharidosis IV"/ or "Mucopolysaccharidosis VI"/ or "Mucopolysaccharidosis VII"/ or "Muir-Torre Syndrome"/ or "Mulibrey Nanism"/ or "Multiple Acyl Coenzyme A Dehydrogenase Deficiency"/ or "Multiple Carboxylase Deficiency"/ or "Multiple Sulfatase Deficiency Disease"/ or "Muscular Dystrophy, Duchenne"/ or "Muscular Dystrophy, Emery-Dreifuss"/ or "Netherton Syndrome"/ or "Neuronal Ceroid-Lipofuscinoses"/ or "Niemann-Pick Disease, Type A"/ or "Niemann-Pick Disease, Type B"/ or "Niemann-Pick Disease, Type C"/ or "Niemann-Pick Diseases"/ or "Oculocerebrorenal Syndrome"/ or "Optic Atrophies, Hereditary"/ or "Optic Atrophy, Autosomal Dominant"/ or "Optic Atrophy, Hereditary, Leber"/ or "Optic Nerve Hypoplasia"/ or "Ornithine Carbamoyltransferase Deficiency Disease"/ or "Orofaciodigital Syndromes"/ or "Papillon-Lefevre Disease"/ or "Paralysis, Hyperkalemic Periodic"/ or "Pelizaeus-Merzbacher Disease"/ or "Pemphigus, Benign Familial"/ or "Phenylketonuria, Maternal"/ or "Phenylketonurias"/ or "Piebaldism"/ or "Polycystic Kidney Diseases"/ or "Polycystic Kidney, Autosomal Dominant"/ or "Polycystic Kidney, Autosomal Recessive"/ or "Porokeratosis"/ or "Porphyria Cutanea Tarda"/ or "Porphyria, Acute Intermittent"/ or "Porphyria, Erythropoietic"/ or "Porphyria, Hepatoerythropoietic"/ or "Porphyria, Variegate"/ or "Porphyrias, Hepatic"/ or "Prader-Willi Syndrome"/ or "Progeria"/ or "Prolidase Deficiency"/ or "Propionic Acidemia"/ or "Protein C Deficiency"/ or "Protoporphyria, Erythropoietic"/ or "Pseudopseudohypoparathyroidism"/ or "Pseudoxanthoma Elasticum"/ or "Pyruvate Carboxylase Deficiency Disease"/ or "Pyruvate Dehydrogenase Complex Deficiency Disease"/ or "Pyruvate Metabolism, Inborn Errors"/ or "Refsum Disease"/ or "Refsum Disease, Infantile"/ or "Retinal Dysplasia"/ or "Retinitis Pigmentosa"/ or "Rett Syndrome"/ or "Rothmund-Thomson Syndrome"/ or "Rubinstein-Taybi Syndrome"/ or "Sandhoff Disease"/ or "Sea-Blue Histiocyte Syndrome"/ or "Sex Chromosome Disorders"/ or "Sex Chromosome Disorders of Sex Development"/ or "Sialic Acid Storage Disease"/ or "Sickle Cell Trait"/ or "Silver-Russell Syndrome"/ or "Sjogren-Larsson Syndrome"/ or "Smith-Lemli-Opitz Syndrome"/ or "Smith-Magenis Syndrome"/ or "Sotos Syndrome"/ or "Spherocytosis, Hereditary"/ or "Sphingolipidoses"/ or "Stargardt Disease"/ or "Steatocystoma Multiplex"/ or "Sulfatidosis"/ or "Tangier Disease"/ or "Tay-Sachs Disease"/ or "Tay-Sachs Disease, AB Variant"/ or "Thalassemia"/ or "Thanatophoric Dysplasia"/ or "Thrombasthenia"/ or "Trichothiodystrophy Syndromes"/ or "Trisomy 13 Syndrome"/ or "Trisomy 18 Syndrome"/ or "Turner Syndrome"/ or "Tyrosinemias"/ or "Urea Cycle Disorders, Inborn"/ or "Usher Syndromes"/ or "Vitelliform Macular Dystrophy"/ or "von Hippel-Lindau Disease"/ or "von Willebrand Disease, Type 1"/ or "von Willebrand Disease, Type 2"/ or "von Willebrand Disease, Type 3"/ or "von Willebrand Diseases"/ or "WAGR Syndrome"/ or "Weill-Marchesani Syndrome"/ or "Werner Syndrome"/ or "Williams Syndrome"/ or "Wiskott-Aldrich Syndrome"/ or "Wolf-Hirschhorn Syndrome"/ or "Wolfram Syndrome"/ or "Wolman Disease"/ or "Xanthomatosis, Cerebrotendinous"/ or "Xeroderma Pigmentosum"/ or "X-Linked Combined Immunodeficiency Diseases"/ or "X-Linked Emery-Dreifuss Muscular Dystrophy"/ or "Yellow Nail Syndrome"/ or "Zellweger Syndrome"/
  3. (chromosome* or congenita or congenital or DNA or familial or genetic or genetics or hereditary or Heredodegenerative or inborn or inherited or intrafamilial or pharmacogenetic* or predisposition or RNA or ("x" adj1 linked) or ("y" adj1 linked)).ti,ab,kf,kw. or ge.fs.
  4. ((sydrome or syndrome or sindrome or syndromic) adj4 (Acute Chest or Aicardi or Alagille or Alstrom or Androgen-Insensitivity or Angelman or Autoimmune Lymphoproliferative or Bardet-Biedl or Barth or Beckwith-Wiedemann or Bernard-Soulier or Branchio-Oto-Renal or Brugada or Camurati-Engelmann or CHARGE or Cockayne or Coffin-Lowry or Costello or Cri-du-Chat or Crigler-Najjar or De Lange or DiGeorge or Donohue or Down or Duane Retraction or Fragile X or Frasier or Goutieres or Gray Platelet or Hajdu-Cheney or Hermanski-Pudlak or Hyper-IgM Immunodeficiency or Hyper-IgM Immunodeficiency or Type 1 or Jacobsen Distal 11q Deletion or Kallmann or Kartagener or Klinefelter or Laron or Lennox Gastaut or Lesch-Nyhan or Loeys-Dietz or Marfan or MELAS or Menkes Kinky Hair or MERRF or Muir-Torre or Netherton or Oculocerebrorenal or Orofaciodigital or Prader-Willi or Rett or Rothmund-Thomson or Rubinstein-Taybi or Sea-Blue Histiocyte or Silver-Russell or Sjogren-Larsson or Smith-Lemli-Opitz or Smith-Magenis or Sotos or Trichothiodystrophy or Trisomy 13 or Trisomy 18 or Trisomy 21 or Turner or Usher or WAGR or Weill-Marchesani or Werner or Williams or Wiskott-Aldrich or Wolf-Hirschhorn or Wolfram or Yellow Nail or Zellweger)).ti,ab,kf,kw.
  5. (Familial adj3 (Amyloid or Amyloidosis or cardiomyopath* or Dysalbuminemic or Hypercholesterolemia or Hyperlipidemiaor or Hyperthyroxinemia or Lipodystrophy or Lipomatosis or Pemphigus or Rickets or Vitreoretinopath*)).ti,ab,kf,kw.
  6. (congenital adj3 (Anemia or Hyperplasia or Dyserythropoietic or Glycosylation or Hemolytic or Hypoplastic or Hypothyroidism or Lipodystrophy)).ti,ab,kf,kw.
  7. (Adrenoleukodystrophy or dystrophies or dystrophy or Leukodystrophy or Lipodystrophy or Trichothiodystrophy).ti,ab,kf,kw.
  8. ((inborn or inherited) adj2 ((amino adj1 acid) or (Bleeding adj1 disorder*) or (Blood adj1 Coagulation) or (Brain adj1 Diseases) or ((Carbohydrate* or fructose or lipid* or Pyruvate) adj3 Metaboli*) or (Urea adj1 Cycle))).ti,ab,kf,kw.
  9. (((11q adj1 Deletion) or 22q11 or Aldrich or Alstrom or Androgen-Insensitivity Angelman or Autoimmune Lymphoproliferative or Bardet-Biedl or Barth or Basal Cell Nevus or Beckwith or Behcet or Bernard-Soulier or Bloom or Branchio-Oto or Brugada or (charge adj1 syndrome) or Cockayne or Costello or " Cri-du-Chat" or Cryopyrin or Dietz or Donohue or Down or (Ehlers adj1 Danlos) or Engelmann or Dube or Fanconi or Frasier or Fraumeni or Gitelman or (Gray adj1 Platelet) or (Hajdu adj1 Cheney) or Hamartoma or Hermanski-Pudlak or Higashi or Hirschhorn or (Hyaline adj1 Fibromatosis) or (Hyper adj1 IgM) or Jeghers or Job or Kallmann or Kartagener or Lange or Laron or (Lennox adj1 Gastaut) or (Leukocyte adj1 Adhesion) or Larsson or Liddle or Lunborg or Marfan or Magenis or Marchesani or neoplastic or Netherton or Nevus or Oculocerebrorenal or Orofaciodigital or Patella or Periodic or (Prader adj1 Willi) or Retraction or Russell or Sotos or Taybi or Thomson or Trichothiodystrophy or Trisomy or Usher or WAGR or Warburg or Werner or Williams or (yellow adj1 nail)) and Syndrom*).ti,ab,kf,kw.
  10. (Aicardi or Alagille or Achondroplasia or Albinism or (Alexander adj1 Disease) or (Antitrypsin adj1 Deficiency) or (autosomal adj1 (dominant or recessive)) or Aniridia or (Ataxia adj1 Telangiectasia) or BrCa or CADASIL or Canavan or Caroli or Cherubism or Choroideremia or Ciliopathies or colorectal or (Cutis adj1 Laxa) or (Cystic or Fibrosis) or Darier or (dent adj1 disease) or (Dilated adj1 Cardiomyopath*) or (Emery adj1 Dreifuss) or (factor adj2 deficien*) or Huntington* or Hypoprothrombinemias or (Inborn adj2 (disorder* or Error*)) or (Diamond adj1 Blackfan) or Dwarfism or (Dystonia adj1 Musculorum) or (Sickle adj1 Cell) or Thalassemia or Tourette*).ti,ab,kf,kw.
  11. 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 or 6 or 7 or 8 or 9 or 10

Note: There are some specific genetic conditions that have not been added. A complete list of MeSH terms can be found in the PubMed MeSH database. (No login required)

Genetic counseling, no disease specified (Updated 9 May 2024)

This does not look for specific genetic diseases but is designed to be very broad. The last part of the statement, "and" limits to publications in English.

Search in Ovid Medline using the genetic counseling filter (Pitt login required; includes both this and the muscular dystrophy search)

(((genetic carrier screening/ or Genetic Determinism/ or "Genetic Diseases, Inborn"/ or Genetics, Medical/ or "Genetic Predisposition to Disease"/ or genetic research/ or genetic services/ or genetic techniques/ or genetic testing/ or genetic therapy/ or genetics/ or human genetics/ or noninvasive prenatal testing/ or pharmacogenomic testing/ or (genetic or genetics or hereditary or inborn or inherited or intrafamilial or predisposition).ti,ab,kf,kw. or ge.fs.) and (Counseling/ or Counselors/ or directive counseling/ or counsel*.ti,ab,kf,kw.)) or genetic counseling/) and

Muscular dystrophy and genetic counseling (Updated 16 May 2024)

Search in Ovid Medline using the genetic counseling filter (Pitt account required; includes both this and the generic search filter)

  • Line 1 is the genetic counseling search filter with English language publications.
  • Lines 2 & 3 are terms for muscular dystrophy, including Duchenne. An asterisk (*) is added to the search as some articles refer to it as Duchenne's.
  • Line 4 combines the terms for MD.
  • Line 5 combines genetic counseling articles in English with MD.
  1. (((genetic carrier screening/ or Genetic Determinism/ or "Genetic Diseases, Inborn"/ or Genetics, Medical/ or "Genetic Predisposition to Disease"/ or genetic research/ or genetic services/ or genetic techniques/ or genetic testing/ or genetic therapy/ or genetics/ or human genetics/ or noninvasive prenatal testing/ or pharmacogenomic testing/ or (chromosomal or chromosomes or DNA or genetic or genetics or hereditary or inborn or inherited or intrafamilial or predisposition or RNA).ti,ab,kf,kw. or ge.fs.) and (Counseling/ or Counselors/ or directive counseling/ or counsel*.ti,ab,kf,kw.)) or genetic counseling/) and
  2. "Muscular Dystrophies"/ or "Muscular Dystrophy, Duchenne"/
  3. (Duchenne* or "muscular dystrophies" or "muscular dystrophy").ti,ab,kf,kw.
  4. 2 or 3
  5. 1 and 5

Intimate partner violence

Domestic/Partner Violence (5 September 2024)

(intimate partner violence/ or spouse abuse/ or (((abuse or abused or abusive or aggression or aggressive or battered or fighting or violence or violent) adj3 (boyfriend or boyfriends or couple or couples or dating or domestic or girlfriend or girlfriends or husband or husbands or intimate or partner or partners or relationship or relationships or romance or romantic or spouse or spousal or wife or wives)) or (battered adj1 (females or males or men or women)) or (IPV not (high adj1 intrapatient adj1 variability))).ti,ab,kf,kw.)

Cultural competency

Cultural competency found in the title or MeSH fields ONLY (5 September 2024)

This is a narrower search in that it relies heavily on terms appearing in the title or MeSH fields. One benefit is that a higher percentage of the results will be relevant and eliminates those records in which creating culturally sensitive programs/materials/training is recommended. However, there is the potential for items to be missed as well since the abstract & keyword fields aren't being searched and authors do not always list major study concepts in their titles.

("Cultural Competency"/ or "Culturally Competent Care"/ or (((cultural or culturally) adj3 (appropriate or appropriateness or competency or competent or inappropriate or incompetent or incompetency or insensitive or insensitivity or responsive or responsiveness or safe or sensitive or sensitivity)) or (culture adj2 appropriate)).ti.)

Cultural competency found in the title, abstract, keyword, and/or MeSH fields (5 September 2024)

This search is more likely to find records in which cultural competency is recommended but not utilized in the study, but it will also find those records in which it was incorporated in some way in the research project but not indicated in the title using the filter search terms or MeSH terms.

("Cultural Competency"/ or "Culturally Competent Care"/ or (((cultural or culturally) adj3 (appropriate or appropriateness or competency or competent or inappropriate or incompetent or incompetency or insensitive or insensitivity or responsive or responsiveness or safe or sensitive or sensitivity)) or (culture adj2 appropriate)).ti,ab,kf,kw.)

Appalachian region and counties

Appalachian Region & Counties (19 December 2024)

This page on Wikipedia indicates the counties in each state that are part of the Appalachian region.

Copy the entire search string below and paste in Ovid Medline.

Appalachian Region/ or Appalachia*.ti,ab,kf,kw. or ((Alabama/ or Alabama.ti,ab,kf,kw.) and ((Bibb or Blount or Calhoun or Chambers or Cherokee or Chilton or Clay or Cleburne or Colbert or Coosa or Cullman or "De Kalb" or Elmore or Etowah or Fayette or Franklin or Hale or Jackson or Jefferson or Lamar or Lauderdale or Lawrence or Limestone or Macon or Madison or Marion or Marshall or Morgan or Pickens or Randolph or Shelby or "St. Clair" or Talladega or Tallapoosa or Tuscaloosa or Walker or Winston) adj1 (Counties or County)).ti,ab,kf,kw.) or (northern adj1 Alabama).ti,ab,kf,kw. or ((Georgia/ or Georgia.ti,ab,kf,kw.) and ((Banks or Barrow or Bartow or Carroll or Catoosa or Chattooga or Cherokee or Dade or Dawson or Douglas or Elbert or Fannin or Floyd or Forsyth or Franklin or Gilmer or Gordon or Gwinnett or Habersham or Hall or Haralson or Hart or Heard or Jackson or Lumpkin or Madison or Murray or Paulding or Pickens or Polk or Rabun or Stephens or Towns or Union or Walker or White) adj1 (Counties or County)).ti,ab,kf,kw.) or ((northern adj1 Georgia) or (northwestern adj1 Georgia)).ti,ab,kf,kw. or ((Kentucky/ or Kentucky.ti,ab,kf,kw.) and ((Adair or Adair County or Bath or Bath County or Bell or Bell County or Boyd or Boyd County or Breathitt or Breathitt County or Carter or Carter County or Casey or Casey County or Clark or Clark County or Clay or Clay County or Clinton or Clinton County or Cumberland or Cumberland County or Edmonson or Edmonson County or Elliott or Elliott County or Estill or Estill County or Fleming or Fleming County or Floyd or Floyd County or Garrard or Garrard County or Green or Green County or Greenup or Greenup County or Harlan or Harlan County or Hart or Hart County or Jackson or Jackson County or Johnson or Johnson County or Knott or Knott County or Knox or Knox County or Laurel or Laurel County or Lawrence or Lawrence County or Lee or Lee County or Leslie or Leslie County or Letcher or Letcher County or Lewis or Lewis County or Lincoln or Lincoln County or Madison or Madison County or Magoffin or Magoffin County or Martin or Martin County or McCreary or McCreary County or Menifee or Menifee County or Metcalfe or Metcalfe County or Monroe or Monroe County or Montgomery or Montgomery County or Morgan or Morgan County or Nicholas or Nicholas County or Owsley or Owsley County or Perry or Perry County or Pike or Pike County or Powell or Powell County or Pulaski or Pulaski County or Robertson or Robertson County or Rockcastle or Rockcastle County or Rowan or Rowan County or Russell or Russell County or Wayne or Wayne County or Whitley or Whitley County or Wolfe or Wolfe County) adj1 (Counties or County)).ti,ab,kf,kw.) or (eastern adj3 Kentucky).ti,ab,kf,kw. or ((Maryland/ or Maryland.ti,ab,kf,kw.) and ((Allegany or Garrett or Washington) adj1 (Counties or County)).ti,ab,kf,kw.) or (Western adj1 Maryland).ti,ab,kf,kw. or ((Mississippi/ or Mississippi.ti,ab,kf,kw.) and ((Alcorn or Benton or Calhoun or Chickasaw or Choctaw or Clay or Itawamba or Kemper or Lee or Lowndes or Marshall or Monroe or Montgomery or Noxubee or Oktibbeha or Panola or Pontotoc or Prentiss or Tippah or Tishomingo or Union or Webster or Winston or Yalobusha) adj1(Counties or County)).ti,ab,kf,kw.) or (northeastern adj1 Mississippi).ti,ab,kf,kw. or ((New York/ or "New York".ti,ab,kf,kw.) and ((Allegany or Broome or Cattaraugus or Chautauqua or Chemung or Chenango or Cortland or Delaware or Otsego or Schoharie or Schuyler or Steuben or Tioga or Tompkins) adj1 (Counties or County)).ti,ab,kf,kw.) or "southwestern New York".ti,ab,kf,kw. or ((North Carolina/ or (North adj1 Carolina).ti,ab,kf,kw.) and ((Alexander or Alleghany or Ashe or Avery or Buncombe or Burke or Caldwell or Catawba or Cherokee or Clay or Cleveland or Davie or Forsyth or Graham or Haywood or Henderson or Jackson or Macon or Madison or McDowell or Mitchell or Polk or Rutherford or Stokes or Surry or Swain or Transylvania or Watauga or Wilkes or Yadkin or Yancey) adj1 (Counties or County)).ti,ab,kf,kw.) or "Western North Carolina".ti,ab,kf,kw. or ((Ohio/ or Ohio.ti,ab,kf,kw.) and ((Adams or Ashtabula or Athens or Belmont or Brown or Carroll or Clermont or Columbiana or Coshocton or Gallia or Guernsey or Harrison or Highland or Hocking or Holmes or Jackson or Jefferson or Lawrence or Mahoning or Meigs or Monroe or Morgan or Muskingum or Noble or Perry or Pike or Ross or Scioto or Trumbull or Tuscarawas or Vinton or Washington) adj1 (Counties or County)).ti,ab,kf,kw.) or "southeastern Ohio".ti,ab,kf,kw. or ((Pennsylvania/ or Pennsylvania.ti,ab,kf,kw.) and ((Allegheny or Armstrong or Beaver or Bedford or Blair or Bradford or Butler or Cambria or Cameron or Carbon or Centre or Clarion or Clearfield or Clinton or Columbia or Crawford or Elk or Erie or Fayette or Forest or Fulton or Greene or Huntingdon or Indiana or Jefferson or Juniata or Lackawanna or Lawrence or Luzerne or Lycoming or McKean or Mercer or Mifflin or Monroe or Montour or Northumberland or Perry or Pike or Potter or Schuylkill or Snyder or Somerset or Sullivan or Susquehanna or Tioga or Union or Venango or Warren or Washington or Wayne or Westmoreland or Wyoming) adj1 (Counties or County)).ti,ab,kf,kw.) or ((central adj1 Pennsylvania) or (southwestern adj1 Pennsylvania) or (western adj1 Pennsylvania) or (northern adj1 Pennsylvania)).ti,ab,kf,kw. or ((South Carolina/ or (South adj1 Carolina).ti,ab,kf,kw.) and ((Anderson or Cherokee or Greenville or Oconee or Pickens or Spartanburg or Union County) adj1 (Counties or County)).ti,ab,kf,kw.) or "western South Carolina".ti,ab,kf,kw. or ((Tennessee/ or Tennessee.ti,ab,kf,kw.) and ((Anderson or Bledsoe or Blount or Bradley or Campbell or Cannon or Carter or Claiborne or Clay or Cocke or Coffee or Cumberland or "De Kalb" or Fentress or Franklin or Grainger or Greene or Grundy or Hamblen or Hamilton or Hancock or Hawkins or Jackson or Jefferson or Johnson or Knox or Lawrence or Lewis or Loudon or Macon or Marion or McMinn or Meigs or Monroe or Morgan or Overton or Pickett or Polk or Putnam or Rhea or Roane or Scott or Sequatchie or Sevier or Smith or Sullivan or Unicoi or Union or "Van Buren" or Warren or Washington or White) adj1 (Counties or County)).ti,ab,kf,kw.) or "eastern Tennessee".ti,ab,kf,kw. or ((Virginia/ or Virginia.ti,ab,kf,kw.) and ((Alleghany or Bath or Bland or Botetourt or Buchanan or Carroll or Craig or Dickenson or Grayson or Henry or Highland or Lee or Montgomery or Patrick or Pulaski or Rockbridge or Russell or Scott or Smyth or Tazewell or Washington or Wise or Wythe) adj1 (Counties or County)).ti,ab,kf,kw.) or "western Virginia".ti,ab,kf,kw. or exp West Virginia/ or ("West  Virginia" or (charleston adj1 wv)).ti,ab,kf,kw.

Cardiovascular disease and Appalachia


Homelessness (11 December 2024)

(ill-housed persons/ or homeless youth/ or (Homeless or homelessness or ((dweller* or living or people) adj3 (street or streets)) or houseless* or (ill adj1 housed) or (rough adj1 (sleeper or sleepers)) or shelter or shelterless or shelters or undomiciled or unhoused).ti,ab,kf,kw.) not ((exp "Animals"/ or exp "Plants"/) not "Humans"/)