This video explains how to map FASTQ reads against a reference genome sequence.
Note: HSLS MBIS videos are only available to users with a valid Pitt username and password.
If you're having trouble playing this embedded video, you can also watch "Alignments (Single vs. Paired Ends) -- Bulk RNA-Seq Data Analysis using CLC Genomics Workbench" directly on Panopto.
This video demonstrates how to download an organism's genome reference sequence.
Note: HSLS MBIS videos are only available to users with a valid Pitt username and password.
If you're having trouble playing this embedded video, you can also watch "Download Ref Seq -- Bulk RNA-Seq Data Analysis using CLC Genomics Workbench" directly on Panopto.
This video explains how to interpret reads mapping results and how to perform a sample level QC by computing a PCA plot.
Note: HSLS MBIS videos are only available to users with a valid Pitt username and password.
If you're having trouble playing this embedded video, you can also watch "Mapping Results and PCA Plots -- Bulk RNA-Seq Data Analysis using CLC Genomics Workbench" directly on Panopto.