The NNLM data glossary defines a repository as a: "tool to share, preserve, and discover research outputs, including but not limited to data or datasets".
The NIH has guidance for selecting a repository for data resulting from NIH-supported research.
Directories to Locate Repositories
Although not comprehensive, these directories are a good place to start searching for a data repository.
re3dataRegistry of Research Data Repositories. Searchable interface but can also browse by subject, content type and country.
FAIRsharing.orgThe collections link can be used to find both domain and generalist repositories as well as those recommended by specific journals, funders, and organizations.
Repository FinderThis resource can limit to the repositories in re3data that meet the criteria of the Enabling FAIR Data Project and FAIR's FAIR Project.
Generalist Repositories
Generalist repositories host data regardless of type, format, content, or subject matter.
Note: the below is not an exhaustive list; see the generalist repositories listed on the NIH page for additional suggestions.
This comparison chart or flowchart may be helpful when considering more than one repository for data sharing.
DRYADNonprofit data repository. Dryad has a team of curators who check every submission to ensure the validity of files and metadata. A data publishing charge of $150 may apply (additional fees may apply to submissions in excess of 50GB). There is a limit of 300GB per data publication uploaded through the web interface (larger submissions are accepted but require technical assistance).
figshareFree accounts are provided with 20GB of storage and are able to upload individual files up to 5GB. Blinded links can be created for peer review.
Harvard DataverseAll researchers from any discipline, both inside and out of the Harvard Community, can deposit files of up to 2.5GB, and store up to 1TB of data.
Mendeley DataPosted datasets are currently moderated to ensure the content constitutes research data, is scientific in nature, and doesn’t solely contain a previously published research article. Personal accounts have a maximum limit of 10GB per dataset.
Open Science Framework (OSF)Free project management tool that supports dataset upload. There is a 5GB per file upload limit. Storage limit varies for public (50GB) and private (5GB) projects.
VivliFocus is on sharing individual participant level data from completed clinical trials. There is a fee per dataset for deposit, with an optional fee for anonymization.
ZenodoDeveloped by CERN under the EU FP7 project OpenAIREplus. Currently accept up to 50GB per dataset and users may deposit restricted files with the ability to share access with others if certain requirements are met.
Domain-Specific Repositories
Domain-Specific repositories are designed to fit the needs of specific research fields or datatypes.
Note: the below is a very selective list; to locate more, please use the directories listed above, reach out to a librarian, or see the domain-specific repositories listed on the NIH page. The repositories on the NIH page include both those funded by NIH and those with no NIH funding. Filters are available to limit the repositories by such properties as ICO and access type (controlled, open, registered).
Genomic Data RepositoriesExamples of frequently used repositories where human and non-human genomic data may be submitted are listed.
The Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR) repository includes data from a range of disciplines including sociology, education, gerontology, criminal justice, public health, foreign policy, health and medical care, education, child care research, law, and substance abuse. ICPSR also hosts several sponsored projects focusing on specific disciplines or topics including the National Addiction & HIV Data Archive Program (NAHDAP), National Archive of Computerized Data on Aging (NACDA), and the Data Sharing for Demographic Research (DSDR).
Note: The University of Pittsburgh is a member institution of ICPSR, which allows researchers to download ICPSR data at no charge (creation of a personal account on campus is required to fully access all ICPSR features).
Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR)After depositing a data collection, an ICPSR data curator reviews the data and documentation, builds a study description for the study home page, performs a disclosure risk review to determine access level, and standardizes the files for usability. All curation work is quality checked before data are approved for release on the ICPSR website. Size limit for deposits is 30GB and data access can be open, controlled, or registered.
openICPSRIn comparison to ICPSR, datasets deposited in openICPSR are not curated in any way. Data are preserved as-is and immediately distributed in the same condition and format submitted by the depositor. Size limit for deposits is 30GB and data access can be open, controlled, or registered.