A variety of Illustrator tutorials provided by Adobe introduce features of the program or walk you through an example. A selection of beginner-level tutorials let you become familiar with the interface, navigate within an opened file, and create and save a file. These tutorials let you practice using common features such as shapes, colors, text, and layers.
It is recommended that you follow along in Illustrator while watching the tutorial videos. When available, use the "Download sample files" button, and save the .zip file to your computer.
Pitt users have free access to the LinkedIn Learning portal to view video tutorials and work with example files, as well as complete full introductory courses. These are appropriate for beginners, but go beyond the very basics and cover topics and skillsets up to an intermediate level. Courses are lengthy - your progress is saved automatically, and you can skip through lessons as needed. If you are motivated to fully explore a course, a certificate is available upon completion.
Note: these links will prompt you for your University of Pittsburgh login unless you are already logged in through Pitt Passport.
Although Illustrator is graphic design software, it is used universally as an industry standard for vector image editing in many fields. The way you use Illustrator for your research or academics can vary significantly from someone in another field or role. These links are a collection of Illustrator topics that can be applied to those in health sciences fields.