Create your ORCID iD at ORCiD@Pitt. During the process you'll be prompted to grant trusted status to the University of Pittsburgh. If you already have an ORCID iD, you can still login with your existing account through the ORCiD@Pitt portal to grant trusted status. Doing so gives Pitt permission to:
You can adjust your record's visibility settings and remove trusted status to organizations anytime. See the section Manage Account Settings of this guide to learn more.
This page includes instructions for:
1. Navigate to ORCiD@Pitt. You may wish to open this in a new page to follow the instructions side-by-side.
2. Click Create and Connect your ORCID iD. Sign in with your Pitt username and password.
3. Fill out the form on the following screen with your information.
NOTE: ORCID will try to find other records with similar names. After submitting this form, review the records to verify that you don't have an existing account already. Have multiple ORCID iDs? Contact ORCID for assistance.
4. Set up your password and select your ORCID notification settings.
5. Set the default visibility settings for your ORCID record and consent to ORCID's terms of use. The visibility settings are:
6. After you've created and signed into your ORCID account, you'll have the option to authorize or deny ORCID access to Pitt.
Congratulations! You now have an ORCID iD and can start adding works and other information to your record.
1. Navigate to ORCiD@Pitt. You may wish to open this in a new page to follow the instructions side-by-side.
2. Click Create and Connect your ORCID iD. Sign in with your Pitt username and password.
3. Click Sign In above the form to log into your ORCID account.
4. Authorize ORCID access to Pitt.
Congratulations! Your ORCID iD is now connected to Pitt. Do you have any works or other information to add to your ORCID record?