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Managing Your Scholarly Record with ORCiD

Linking Your ORCID iD

ORCID is interoperable with many scholarly and research systems, making it easier for you to fill out forms and profiles if your ORCID record is populated and current. In many cases, when your ORCID record is updated, the systems that you've linked your ORCID iD with will be automatically updated as well.

The following are a few examples of systems that work with ORCID. Each link provides instructions on how to link your ORCID iD with that system.

  • Elements: the faculty information system at Pitt that helps showcase all your research outputs, grants, teaching activities, and other scholarly projects on your profile.
  • Web of Science Author Records: manage publications on your WoS author record and generate citation metrics, show peer review work, and more. Author records are available and viewable to everyone, whether or not they have a subscription.
  • NCBI and SciENcv: create an NIH Biosketch quickly after linking your ORCID iD.
  • Pivot: a searchable database of funding opportunities that also contains researcher profiles. Link your ORCID iD to your Pivot profile to add biographical information, publications, and grants from your ORCID record.

Faculty Information System (Elements)

Linking your ORCiD to Elements makes it easy to keep your Elements profile up-to-date, by automatically claiming works associated with your ORCID iD or listed on your ORCID record. Below are instructions that describe how to add or remove your ORCID iD. If you'd like to learn more about how to use Elements, see Getting Started with Faculty Information System (Elements) from Pitt IT.

Add Your ORCID iD

  1. Log in to Elements (also accessible in My Pitt). 
  2. From the Homepage, click the navigation icon in the upper-left.
  3. Under My Profile, click Automatic Claiming underneath the Settings column.
  4. Click on ORCID underneath the heading for Add external profiles.
  5. After logging in to your ORCID account, you will be asked to authorize access to Elements. This allows Elements to read and pull data from your ORCID record that is set to “everyone” or “trusted parties”.

Remove Your ORCID iD

  1. If you would like to remove your ORCID iD, click on the navigation icon in the upper-left.
  2. Under My Profile, click Automatic Claiming underneath the Settings column.""
  3. Then click Manage next to your ORCID iD to review your options, which includes Remove this ORCID account and ignore this ORCID.

Web of Science Author Records


Managing your Web of Science (WoS) Author Record can increase the visibility of your research. Your author record can:

  • Display your publications
  • Highlight your peer review contributions
  • Create CVs
  • Showcase your research impact using citation metrics
  • Generate citation maps

What is WoS?

WoS is a multidisciplinary database that includes literature from the health sciences, social sciences, art and humanities, and other disciplines. It also includes research metrics such as article citation count, h-index, and the journal impact factor.

Author Records

WoS automatically creates author records for those who have publications that appear in their database. These records can be claimed and managed so that you have control over what appears in your record. While anyone can view your record, users who don't have a WoS subscription won't be able to view features such as Author Impact Beamplots, author position analysis, and your top co-authors.

Step 1: Claim or Create Your Author Record

To find your existing author record and claim it:

  • Access WoS from the Resources column on the HSLS website.
  • Select the Researchers tab on the WoS homepage.


  • Select Name Search from the dropdown menu to search by name. The Author Identifiers option allows you to search by WoS ResearcherID or ORCID iD if known.

  • If there is only one author that matches your search, you will be brought directly to that record. Otherwise, you will see a list of results to review.

Review and Claim Records

  • If there are multiple records that match your search, you'll be brought to a results page to review the records and select which one(s) are correct. Information such as institutional affiliation, top journals, and recent publications are displayed to help you make a decision.

  • WoS may have more than one author record that belongs to you. Records can be combined into a single record by selecting the appropriate checkboxes and clicking View as combined record to temporarily combine the records for your current session. The Merge Records option is to submit a customer service request to permanently combine the records together. However, if you are the author about to claim your record, select View as combined record instead. You'll be able to merge the records yourself on the following page.

  • Click Claim my record in the Are you this author? box on the right.

  • You'll then be prompted to sign in with a Clarivate account (Web of Science, InCites, EndNote), or you can provide your email address to register for one.


Create a New Author Record

If you can't find an existing author record for yourself, you can still create one and add publications to it, whether or not your works are indexed in WoS. Keep in mind that citation metrics for non-WoS articles are not available.

Click on the researcher profile icon in the left menu. You'll be prompted to sign up with your email address and will receive an email that provides instructions for verifying your account. Feel free to use any email address--it doesn't have to be your Pitt account. You should also receive instructions on how to add works to your record, or see Clarivate's help guide on the topic.

Step 2: Adding Publications with ORCiD

The easiest way to add publications to your record is to connect your ORCID iD to your account. Doing so will also give you the option of keeping your researcher profile up to date when any changes are made on your ORCID record.

  • Click Edit in the box that displays your name.


  • Select the ORCID Syncing tab and click Connect Your ORCID iD.


  • Login to your ORCID account. Selecting Authorize access will give WoS permission to both pull data from your ORCID record to your WoS record, and also update your ORCID record based on changes in your WoS record. You can specify what WoS can and cannot do after authorizing access at this step.


  • Go back to the ORCID Syncing tab. Under the Automatically sync ORCID and Web of Science section:
    • Turn on the option for "Update my Web of Science Researcher Profile with changes I make in ORCID".
    • You may also turn on or off the other options for making updates to ORCID from your WoS record.
  • Click Save Changes to finish.

NCBI and SciENcv

Logging into My NCBI

To access SciENcv, you must first log into NCBI as this is where the biosketch profile service resides. In the middle of NCBI homepage, log in using one of the listed credentials. To use Pitt Passport select More Options (on the next screen you may have to select other login options). Search for University of Pittsburgh in the search box at the top. 

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Linking ORCID to My NCBI

  1. Once logged in, you should see a page listing your SciENcv documents in the center (if you have any) and your profile name should display in the upper right corner.
  2. Click on your profile name, then click on "Account Settings".
  3. Under the Linked Accounts section click "Add account".
  4. Under the "Link a new 3rd-party account" section, enter ORCID in the search box.
  5. Click on the ORCID link under the Account header.
  6. Sign into your ORCID account if prompted and authorize access to NCBI.
  7. Once access is granted you will be taken back to the Linked Accounts page and should now see ORCID listed under Your Linked Accounts. 

Linked Accounts box showing Pitt and ORCID

Note: In the future, you can now login to My NCBI with your ORCID account if you wish.

Creating a Biosketch with ORCID

  1. Click on your profile name in the upper right, then click on "Dashboard" or "My NCBI". This will take you to a dashboard that includes all the tools in My NCBI including saved PubMed searches and My Bibliography. 
  2. Scroll down to find the SciENcv box. Your options will vary depending on if you have previously saved biosketches. Select either “Click here to create a new CV” or “Manage SciENcv”.
  3. Add your ORCID iD to your profile. Click "Edit" next to "My Profile" and then "Select here to link your ORCID iD".
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  4. Once you begin to "Create a New Document" you can select from a number of formats, including NIH and NSF.
  5. Under "Data source", select "External source", then "ORCiD" from the dropdown menu.        " "

    Making this selection will allow data from ORCID to automatically populate the new biosketch. For example anything added in “Education” in ORCID will be mapped to “Professional preparation” in the NSF biosketch or “Education/Training” in the NIH biosketch. For more information, see this article.

    Note: The information transferred to SciENcv can be changed, hidden, augmented, or deleted. SciENcv users control the content displayed in their SciENcv profiles.
  6. Edit and complete each section as appropriate. In any sections where citations can be added (ie: Products, Contribution to Science, etc.) you will see a tab to pull in citations from your ORCID profile.In the citations section, the ORCID tab is displayed and includes works from your ORCID record.
  7. You can also edit your Name section to automatically allow your ORCID ID to display.

Note: Biosketches can be downloaded and made public for sharing and submission purposes.  


1. Login to Pivot. Click Use login from my institution and search for University of Pittsburgh. Login with your Pitt Passport information.

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2. Click on your name at the top of the page. Select Your profile from the dropdown menu. If you don’t have a profile, contact the Office of Sponsored Program’s Grants Development initiative for help.

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3. Click Edit Profile in the upper right corner of the screen.

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4. Click Add in the ORCID section. Then click Get or associate an ORCID iD and login to your ORCID account.

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5. Click Authorize access to ProQuest (Community of Scholars) to link your ORCID iD to Pivot. Your Pivot profile will now be updated with data from your ORCID record.

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