Once you've added works to your record and publish with your ORCID iD, there's only a small amount of maintenance required from time to time. There are two sections of your account that you may wish to manage:
Trusted individuals, or account delegates, are typically administrative support staff who can manage your ORCID record for you. They can add and edit almost any information on your record, with the exception of adding email addresses, changing passwords, or deleting your account.
Click Revoke access next to the name of the person or organization to revoke access.
You can adjust the visibility settings for your entire ORCID record, as well as the individual items across different sections. The three visibility settings are:
Change the visibility settings for your entire record by clicking on your name at the top of the screen, select Account settings from the dropdown menu, and click Visibility. The setting you select will be applied to all items you add to ORCID.
Set visibility settings for individual items in your ORCID record. Doing so will override the settings selected for your entire ORCID record.