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(old) Data Management

Why Create a DMP?

Many funding agencies require formal data management and/or sharing plans as part of their granting process. Each funding agency has specific requirements so be sure to check for your specific grant.

However, there are many other reasons to create a DMP besides as a grant requirement, including:

  • saving time
  • simplifying research
  • facilitating sharing & preservation
  • decreasing chances of data loss
  • extending the life of your research

Components of a DMP (detailed on class slides)

  • Data Types = what data?
    • kinds of data, how and who collected it, how much
  • Data Formats = data details?
    • what format, research field standards, documentation, metadata
  • Data Access = data restrictions?
    • privacy / de-identified, security, IP / copyright, embargo
  • Data Re-use = data sharing?
    • requirements, organization, annotation, availability, citation information
  • Data Preservation & Archiving = data saving?
    • long term plan, format issues, back up, costs