Produced by: NYU Langone Health
Dates of coverage: 1968 to most current available
Geographic coverage: US cities >50,000
Description: Frequently Asked Questions
Individual files:
Produced by: Cedar Lake Ventures, Inc.
Dates of coverage: Varies by topic
Geographic coverage: Neighborhood, City, County, and National level
Description: About; This is a free site but full of ads.
Provider: Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and U Wisconsin
Years available: 2010 forward
Geographic Level: County level data
Description: About County Health Rankings
Other resources from this site: Understand and Identify Root Causes of Inequities Online Workshop
Provider: Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation
Years available: 1980 to 2014
Geographic Level: County and State level
The county profiles highlight performance of each US county in terms of mortality rates for select causes, life expectancy at birth, and prevalence of select risk factors.
The interactive map that lets you explore health trends in the United States by gender for: 29 cancers; 21 major causes of death, life expectancy; smoking; obesity; physical activity; alcohol use; hypertension; diabetes.
Produced by: National Association of Counties
Dates of coverage: Varies by topic
Geographic coverage: County level
Provides basic information about all counties in the US: total square miles, most current & historical population. Other topics include: County economics, housing affordability, secure rural schools, workforce, energy & environment, justice & public safety, transportation & infrastructure.
Produced by: Pennsylvania Department of Health
Dates of coverage: Varies by topic
Geographic coverage: Municipality, County, and State
Description: About the data used
Individual files:
Produced by: Cedar Lake Ventures, Inc.
Dates of coverage: Varies by topic
Geographic coverage: Neighborhood, City, County, and National level
Description: About
This is a free site but full of ads.
Produced by: Pennsylvania Department of Health
Dates of coverage: Varies by topic
Geographic coverage: County and State
Description: About
Individual files: