The All of Us Research Program (AoURP), led by the National Institutes of Health, is a longitudinal cohort study aimed at advancing precision medicine and improving human health through partnering with one million or more diverse participants across the United States. With an emphasis on reaching historically underrepresented populations in biomedical research, the AoURP datasets include:
The All of Us Research Hub stores health data from a diverse group of participants from across the United States.
A cloud-based platform where researchers can access AoURP-generated data. Its powerful tools support data analysis and collaboration. Researchers create workspaces to access, store and analyze data for specific research projects. Researchers with R or Python experience can perform high-powered queries and analysis within the AoU datasets using an integrated, cloud-based Jupyter Notebook environment.
Video: Introduction to the Researcher Workbench (2:35 min)
Video: All of Us Researcher Workbench webinar (43:22 min)
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The University of Pittsburgh has signed a Data Use and Registration Agreement with the All of Us Research Program, allowing Pitt researchers to apply for Registered and Controlled Tier access.
Video: All of Us Researcher Workbench Onboarding (7:16 min)
Unsure where to start after gaining access to the data?
Follow this Roadmap for Getting Started with All of Us Data.
Access to the Researcher Workbench and data are free. Computation and storage accrue usage costs through the Google Cloud Platform (GCP). All of Us Research Program provides $300 in free credits for each registered Researcher Workbench user, which will help researchers to get started using the Researcher Workbench.
Once a user’s credits are low, they should receive a message suggesting they setup a long-term billing solution. The Credits and Billing Page will provide additional information regarding initial credits and how to set up a billing account.
Billing is controlled at the workspace level, so users would have to link the workspace to an associated billing account, either with GCP or a Google billing partner. If their research is funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), they are eligible for the STRIDES GCP pricing initiative.
Project computation costs can vary, but there are estimations available.
Video: How to add a GCP billing account to your workspace (starts at 20 min)
AoURP offers New User Orientations that might be useful for introductory users.
Learn how researchers used AoURP data via the following searches - start with typing a topic of interest in the search field.
Student's Posters:
Funding opportunities for All of Us research from NIH
All of Us Research Program Investigators, The "All of Us" Research Program. N Engl J Med. 2019 Aug 15;381(7):668-676. doi: 10.1056/NEJMsr1809937. PMID: 31412182; PMCID: PMC8291101.
Ramirez AH, et al., All of Us Research Program. The All of Us Research Program: Data quality, utility, and diversity. Patterns (N Y). 2022 Aug 12;3(8):100570. doi: 10.1016/j.patter.2022.100570. PMID: 36033590; PMCID: PMC9403360
Suzanne Bakken, Elaine Sang, Berry de Brujin, Returning value to communities from the All of Us Research Program through innovative approaches for data use, analysis, dissemination, and research capacity building, Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, Volume 31, Issue 12, December 2024, Pages 2773–2780,