This workshop focuses on the visualization of gene expression data using HSLS-licensed Partek Flow software and also open access tool Cytoscape.
Partek flow : We cover the overview of Partek flow software, how to transfer/import gene expression data into Partek flow, run differential expression tools and interpret the results with PCA, heatmap, dot plot, and volcano plots.
Cytoscape : We cover how to upload gene lists into the publicly available protein interaction databases such as StringDB to retrieve relevant interaction networks and import them into Cytoscape and analyze gene ontology terms and pathways. We also cover how to generate enrichment maps using GSEA/g: Profiler results in Cytoscape.
Participants will learn :
Experimental biologists seeking to learn how to visualize the data generated through experiments or retrieved from a publication or a repository such as GEO. The software covered in the workshop operates through a user-friendly, point-and-click graphical user interface, so neither computer programming experience nor familiarity with command line interface is required.
Are you interested in using Cytoscape, a powerful network visualization and analysis tool, to explore your gene or protein expression data on your own pace? Please check this self learning module on Gene expression Data and Network visualization using Cytoscape
Partek flow :
Cytoscape :
Protein-protein interaction databases: keeping up with growing interactomes
NDEx: Accessing Network Models and Streamlining Network Biology Workflows
Partek Flow software licensed through the Molecular Biology Information Service of the Health Sciences Library System, University of Pittsburgh (RRID:SCR_011975) was used for data analysis.