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HSLS MolBio Workshops

Information & resources for hands-on bioinformatics classes.

Helpful Library Resources

Providing bioinformatics resources via software procurement, implementation, and training to assist biomedical scientists with solving their research questions.

Offering support, consultations, and customized trainings to help researchers with a variety of data management needs.

Researchers needing assistance to meet the 3R requirement can consult with a librarian who can conduct the searches, offer keyword suggestions, or provide training on a database. 


Author Resources

Stay Informed

Finding Papers

HSLS Document Delivery



PubMed is a free resource for finding biomedical literature, developed and maintained by the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) at the National Library of Medicine (NLM).


Preprints accelerate the progress of science by enabling researchers to openly share their results and increase their impact months or years ahead of final journal publication.

Europe PMC

Europe PubMed Central (Europe PMC) is a repository that provides access to worldwide life sciences articles (including preprints), books, patents, and clinical guidelines. It also provides links to relevant data records in UniProt and many European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI) tools.

Managing Information

Electronic Research Notebooks

An electronic research notebook (ERN) records the details of research experiments, but with additional features not possible when using traditional paper lab notebooks.

LabArchives (LA) is the Enterprise ERN selected by the University of Pittsburgh--meaning that it's available to Pitt faculty, staff, & students for no charge!


InfoBoosters are easy-to-install Web browser widgets that connect digital text to databases, to retrieve relevant information on demand.

Example: highlight a protein name in an online article and click the "GenomeInfo" InfoBooster (which users drag-&-drop to their browser toolbar)--a pop-up window will display relevant information fetched from the UCSC Genome Browser.

InfoBoosters assist readers by revealing information not directly described in the text and fosters the creation of new hypotheses.


Sciwheel is a platform to help biology and medical researchers discover and collect literature, manage references, and prepare manuscripts, grant applications, posters, talks, etc. for submission.

Citation Management

Using Library Resources Off-Campus

  1. From the HSLS home page navigate to the e-resource (database, journal, ebook) you want to access.
  2. Click on the link to the e-resource.
  3. The Pitt Passport pop up box will appear when needed.
  4. Enter your Pitt username and password.
  5. The e-resource is now ready to be used.

For remote access to work correctly, your Web browser must be set to accept cookies. You must also have a current Pitt computer account--for help, call 412-624-4357 or e-mail the 24/7 Pitt IT Help Desk.