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HSLS MolBio Workshops

Information & resources for hands-on bioinformatics classes.


This workshop covers how to search and download gene counts from gene expression studies (RNA-seq / microarray) by searching the Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) database using Correlation EngineiDEP R shiny app (RNA-Seq), and Geo2R (Microarray and RNASeq). We also cover how to prepare the data for NCBI GEO database submission.  

Participants will learn how to

  • search and download data from GEO (ex: gene counts from an RNASeq study )

  • analyze the data using GEO2R and  iDEP R shiny app

  • submit the data to NCBI GEO data repository


Target Audience

Experimental biologists seeking to analyze gene lists through omics experiments. The software covered in the workshop operates through a user-friendly, point-and-click graphical user interface, so neither programming experience nor familiarity with the command line interface is required.

Workshop Materials


Lecture Videos


  • Correlation Engine

GSE101788: CBFb-SMMHC inhibition triggers apoptosis by disrupting MYC chromatin dynamics in acute myeloid leukemia [RNA-seq] (software demonstration)

GSE52778: Human airway smooth muscle transcriptome changes in response to asthma medications (practice exercise)


  • iDEP

GSE152075: In vivo antiviral host response to SARS-CoV-2 by viral load, sex, and age [dataset I] (Software demonstration)

GSE152075: raw_counts_upload_ready (.csv) (software demonstration)

GSE152075: Metadata_transposed (.csv) (software demonstration)

GSE101788: CBFb-SMMHC inhibition triggers apoptosis by disrupting MYC chromatin dynamics in acute myeloid leukemia [RNA-seq] (practice exercise)

GSE101788: Counts_fpkm (.csv)(practice exercise)

GSE101788:metadata_transposed (.csv)(practice exercise)

Preanalyzed Results:

GSE152075: DEG Sars-Cov-2 Pos vs Neg

  • GEO2R

GSE161805: Gene expression analysis of normal primary human bronchial epithelial cells (pHBEC) stimulated by glucocorticoid, long-acting β2-adrenoceptor agonist or both combined. (software demonstration)

GSE9008:  Resveratrol action on A549 lung cancer cells. (practice exercise)


Databases & Tools

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