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Cause of Illness Data

Accidents & Suicide Incidence/Prevalence Data

Pennsylvania Injury Statistics 

Provider: Pennsylvania Department Health
Years available: 1997 to current year-2 
Geographic Level: County level and state level data 
About: PDF report includes county-specific data for trauma-related hospitalizations broken out by age groups and gender.


Pennsylvania Crash Information Tool

Years available: Pennsylvania Department of Transportation
Years available: 2001 to most current available
Geographic Level: County, State
About: Data for each county  by: Unrestrained driver crashes; Drinking driver crashes; Distracted driver crashes; Aggressive driver crashes; Hit fixed object crashes. Includes:

State Traffic Safety Information 

Provider: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
Years available: Rolling 5 years (county); rolling 10 years (state)
Geographic Level: County and State level

WISQARS- Web-based Injury Statistics Query & Reporting System

Provider: National Center for Injury Prevention & Control
Years Available: 2001-app 2 years ago
Geographic level: State and National level

See also

This page links to reports and data on the mortality for this specific topic.

See also: Mortality Data for data sites that cover all cause mortality.

Accidents & Suicide Mortality Data

Pennsylvania Crash Information Tool

Years available: Pennsylvania Department of Transportation
Years available: 2001 to most current available
Geographic Level: County, State
About: Data for each county  by: Unrestrained driver crashes; Drinking driver crashes; Distracted driver crashes; Aggressive driver crashes; Hit fixed object crashes. Includes:

FARS - Fatality Analysis Reporting System

Provider: US Department of Transportation
Years available: 1994 to most current available
Geographic Level: State
About: The Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS) gathers data on the most severe traffic crashes that occur each year -- those that result in loss of human life.

Suicide in Pennsylvania

Provider: Pennsylvania Department of Health
Years Available: 2008 to app 3 years ago
Geographic level: County, State level data
About: Part of the Healthy People 202 report. Shows data in 4-year clusters. Indicates if the county has met the goal of less than or equal to 10.2 by 2020.

WISQARS- Web-based Injury Statistics Query & Reporting System

Provider: US National Center for Injury Prevention & Control (CDC)
Years Available: Variable by report: 1981-most current data
Geographic level: County, State level data